Session 125

Evolutionary Physiology II

Day: Sunday, Jan. 8, 10:15-12:00
Room: 214

Organizer(s): Art Woods

Session Author(s) Title

LANE, SJ*; SHISHIDO, CM; MORAN, AM; TOBALSKE, BW; WOODS, HA Scaling of Respiratory Variables in Cutaneous Gas Exchange by Sea Spiders

SHAH, AA*; GHALAMBOR, CK; SHAH, Alisha Does Climate Variability Predict Thermal Tolerance? A Comparison of Thermal Breadths in Aquatic Insects Across Elevation & Latitude

TIFT, M.S.*; LUEKER, T.J.; ST. LEGER, J.A.; CABRALES, P; JORDAN, P.A.; PONGANIS, P.J. Blowing smoke? Elevated carbon monoxide (CO) in marine mammals

HARADA, AE*; BURTON, RS The Mitochondrial Basis of Thermal Tolerance in the Intertidal Copepod Tigriopus californicus

WOODS, H. A.*; LANE, S. J.; TOBALSKE, B. W.; SHISHIDO, C. M.; MORAN, A. L.; WOODS, Arthur Oxygen-Dependent Limits to Body Size in Giant Sea Spiders

GREENWAY, R.*; KELLEY, J. L.; TOBLER, T. OXPHOS adaptation and ecological speciation in toxic sulfide springs

NGUYEN, AD*; BROWN, M; ZHITNAY, J; HELMS CAHAN, S; GOTELLI, NJ; ARNETT, A; ELLISON, AM; NGUYEN, Andrew Constraints on cold tolerance and hardening ability limit the distribution of forest ants at its northern range boundary.
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