Session 123

Locomotion: At the Water’s Edge

Day: Sunday, Jan. 8, 10:00-12:00
Room: 210

Organizer(s): Rita Mehta, Yasemin Ozkan Aydin

Session Author(s) Title

PRUETT, JE*; MAYERL, CJ; RIVERA, ARV; BLOB, RW Hind limb muscle function in turtles: is novel skeletal design correlated with novel muscle function?

MEHTA, RS*; MORGIA, JM; SALLADAY, K; JACQUEMETTON, CP; BUSBY, WP; WARD, AB; MEHTA, Rita The Effects of Substrate on Terrestrial Locomotion in the Snowflake moray, Echidna nebulosa

TENNETT, KA*; COSTA, DP; FISH, FE Terrestrial Locomotion of a Massive Amphibious Mammal: Constraints of Northern Elephant Seals on Land

CURTIS CHOITZ, C*; MICHAEL MINICOZZI, ; ALICE GIBB, Do Amphibious Fishes Jump Farther Than Fully Aquatic Fishes?

WEISS, TM*; SANE, S; GRAHAM, M; JUNG., S; HEDRICK, TL; SOCHA, JJ Jumping on water: field recordings of the skittering frog Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis

ORTEGA-JIMENEZ, VM; ARRIAGA-RAMIREZ, S*; DUDLEY, R Meniscus-climbing by Thrips in Varied Viscous Solutions

JUNG, S*; CHANG, B; CROSON, M; STRAKER, L; GART, S; DOVE, C; GERWIN, J How seabirds (Morus bassanus and Sula leucogaster) plunge-dive without injuries

OZKAN AYDIN, Y.*; RIESER , J. M.; GONG, C.; MICHEL, K.; RANKIN, J.; NICIEZA, A.G.; HUTCHINSON, J.R.; CHOSET, H.; GOLDMAN, D.I. Coordinated Body Bending Improves Performance of a Salamander-like Robot
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