Session 101

Complementary to S4 – Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality III

Day: Saturday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:00
Room: 215-216

Organizer(s): Danielle Levesque

Session Author(s) Title

LISOVSKI, S*; RAMENOFSKY, M; WINGFIELD, JC Biologically Significant Dimensions of Seasonality

VERHAGEN, IC*; GIENAPP, P; LAINE, VN; VAN OERS, K; MATEMAN, C; PIJL, AS; VISSER, ME The Physiological Mechanism Underlying Timing of Reproduction in the Great Tit (Parus major)

BETINI, G.S.*; MCADAM, A.G.; GRISWOLD, C.K.; NORRIS, D.R. Fitness Trade-off Between Seasons Causes Multigenerational Cycles in Phenotype and Population Size

POWELL, THQ; XIA, Q; DOWLE, E; FEDER, JL; RAGLAND, GJ; HAHN, DA* Rapid adaptation to a new seasonal regime drives genetic divergence and ecological speciation in the apple maggot fly Rhagoletis pomonella.

CHMURA, HE*; MEDDLE, SL; WINGFIELD, JC; HAHN, TP Comparing the Effects of a Social Cue on Reproductive Development in Seasonally Breeding Migrant and Resident Female Songbirds (Zonotrichia leucophrys)

LEVESQUE, DL*; LANDRY-CUERRIER, M; LAROCQUE, G; MENZIES, A; MCGILL, BJ; HUMPHRIES, MM Embracing heterothermic diversity: an analytical approach for comparing and categorizing patterns of temperature variation in endotherms
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