Symposium S7

Are Migratory Animals Superspreaders of Infection?

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 6, 08:00-15:30
Room: B115

Organizer(s): Alexa Fritzsche McKay, Bethany Hoye

Symposium Author(s) Title

FRITZSCHE MCKAY, A*; EZENWA, VO; ALTIZER, S Does migratory flight alter immunity in monarch butterflies?

MATSON, K.D.*; VAN DIJK, J.G.B. Let\’s get physical! Viewing ecological immunology through the lens of exercise physiology to disentangle the effects of movement and migration.

SRYGLEY, R.B.* Hannibal goes for a stroll: How diet and migration can compromise immunity

HOYE, Bethany J*; BAUER, Silke S How does infection alter animal migrations?

MERKLE, J.M.*; CROSS, P.C.; SCURLOCK, B.M.; KAUFFMAN, M.J. Linking plant phenology and elk migratory behavior to predict brucellosis risk in the Yellowstone ecosystem

SATTERFIELD, D.A.*; ALTIZER , S. Monarchs as a model system to understand mechanisms linking animal migration and infectious disease dynamics

BOULINIER, Thierry*; KADA, Sarah; DUPRAZ, Marlene; PONCHON, Aurore; CHAMBERT, Thierry; GARNIER, Romain; MCCOY, Karen Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What types of host movement matter for the circulation of infectious disease agents?

HILL, Nichola J.*; MA, Eric J.; MEIXELL, Brandt W.; LINDBERG, Mark; BOYCE, Walter M.; RUNSTADLER, Jonathan A. Evidence of seasonality in a host-pathogen system: Influenza across the annual cycle of wild birds

HALL, RJ*; BROWN, LM; ALTIZER, S Modeling Vector-borne Disease Risk in Migratory Animals under Climate Change
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