Session 68

Complementary to S8 Biology of Venom

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 5, 13:45-15:00
Room: B118/119

Organizer(s): Meg Daly, Ryan McCleary

Session Author(s) Title

DALY, M*; MACRANDER, J.M.; BROE, M The tree’s the thing: phylogeny as a way of understanding the diversity of venom in sea anemones

MILLER, D.W.*; ROWE, A.H.; ROWE, M.P. Gender differences in stinging behavior, venom composition, and venom function in the striped bark scorpion (Centruroides vittatus)

GORSON, J.M.*; VERDES, A.; YEE, L.; SHIN, H.; KHAWAJA, S.; HOLFORD, M. Characterizing the molecular diversity and function of Terebridae venom

MCCLEARY, RJR*; SRIDHARAN, S; DUNSTAN, NL; MIRTSCHIN, PJ; ALEWOOD, PF; KINI, RM Proteomic comparisons of long- and short-term captive eastern brown snakes (Pseudonaja textilis)

HOLDING, M. L.*; BIARDI, J. E.; GIBBS, H. L. Snakes win: Coevolution of venom function and prey resistance in a rattlesnake-squirrel arms race


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