Session 15

DCE Gorbman Best Student Oral Presentation

Day: Monday, Jan. 4, 10:15-12:00
Room: B110/111

Organizer(s): Rosemary Knapp, Mary Mendonça

Session Author(s) Title

HANAUER, RE*; ABOLINS-ABOLS, M; KETTERSON, ED Adapting to human disturbance: physiological flexibility in adults of a common songbird

CHEESMAN, S.C.*; BAYANI, A.K.Y.; DONAHUE, M.L.; CARRUTH, L.L. Early Life Cold Exposure Decreases Global Methylation Levels in Juveniles and Attenuates the Corticosterone Response After Restraint in Adult Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata)

KELLY, T. R. *; LYMBURNER, A. H.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, E. A.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON , S. A. Testosterone as a potential mediator of migration distance and migratory timing in song sparrows Melospiza melodia

ABOLINS-ABOLS, M*; HANAUER, RE; PETERSON, MP; ROSVALL, KA; KETTERSON, ED Stress and reproduction: repeated disturbance reduces circulating testosterone but not the capacity to produce it

ZINNA, R.*; EMLEN, D.; LAVINE, L.C.; DWORKIN, I. Using RNA-seq to understand the endocrine control of condition-dependent traits.

MCCORMICK, G.L.*; ROBBINS, T.R.; CAVIGELLI, S.A.; LANGKILDE, T.L. Developmental and cross-generational history with stress affect the physiological stress response and immune function in lizards

SMILEY, K. O. Prolactin and parental care in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia Guttata)

PARKER FISCHER, C.E.*; ROMERO, L.M. Easing the transition to captivity: use of alpha- or beta-blockers to reduce the chronic stress of capture.


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