Student Postdoctoral Affairs Workshop

SICB Annual Meeting 2015
January 3-7, 2015
West Palm Beach, FL
Marriott West Palm Beach

Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Workshop, Jan. 5
The Ins and Outs of Writing Fundable Grants

Writing winning research proposals is one of the most critical skills a researcher can learn. But, what qualities characterize a highly effective proposal? How does one craft the objectives, hypotheses, methods, expected outcomes and broader implications of a proposal to advance the proposal to the top of other submissions? Students and postdoctoral researcher participants in this workshop will learn the essential qualities of successful proposals as they engage during the workshop with experienced faculty who have received several large grant awards, who have participated as evaluators on review panels, or who have served as program managers. Participants will leave the workshop better understanding how to write key sections of successful proposals, how to demonstrate innovation and excellence in a proposal, how to use preliminary data effectively, and how to frame the broader impacts of the scientific research being proposed.

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