SICB Annual Meeting 2015
January 3-7, 2015
West Palm Beach, FL
Symposium: Neurohormones, Brain and Behavior: A Comparative Approach to Rapid Neuroendocrine Function
Date: January 6, 2015
Room: TBA
Post-symposium social: TBA
Note: If you (student, postdoc or faculty) would like to identify your talk or poster with this symposium, please don’t forget to select it on your under “Complementing Sessions”!
In 1849, when Arnold Berthold noticed castrated cockerels behaved differently, and replacement of their testes into a body cavity restored their normal behavior, the world of behavioral and comparative neuroendocrinology blossomed. We have truly learned volumes about how secreted signals can affect the brain and an impressive range of behaviors. Along the way we have noticed that hormones can also work quickly, in manners tantalizing and inconsistent with our appreciation of neuroendocrine processes. Thus, an enormous gap in our understanding lies not in which hormones mediate specific behaviors, but how mechanisms of hormone provision and response modulate rapid changes in neurophysiology including behavior. This symposium will focus on the study of rapid neuroendocrine function in various taxa and behaviors, uniting scientists who study a broad array of systems and use different, advanced techniques, to study neural changes that influence behaviors. Further, this symposium will take a very integrative approach to what “rapid” neuroendocrine function means, with a unified theme of embarking on new frontiers – what have we learned, where should we go next, how, and why? Because of this, all speakers will contribute a significant amount of their talks to where the field is heading and how their work and emerging technologies will help take us there. Understanding how neuromechanisms can alter the function of specific brain areas as well as the flow of information among areas of the brain will shed light on downstream consequences for sensorimotor integration, behavior, and ultimately evolution.
Division of Comparative Endocrinology (DCE)
Division of Animal Behavior (DAB)
Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (DCPB)
Saldanha, Professor of Biology, American U: Buttons and glue: novel forms of estrogen provision
S8.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 08:00 SALDANHA, CJ: Buttons and Glue: novel forms of estrogen provision.
S8.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 08:30 REMAGE-HEALEY, Luke: An integrative look at acute steroid signaling in the nervous system
S8.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 09:00 WOOLLEY, C.S.: Acute Estrogen Actions in the Hippocampus: Implications for Epilepsy
S8.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 10:30 DICKENS, Molly J.: Sex, stress, and rapid estradiol changes in the male brain
S8.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 11:00 RITERS, LV: Steroid-opioid interactions and rapid changes in the motivation to communicate
S8.7 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 11:30 SOMA, KK: Rapid effects of steroids on the brain and social behavior of songbirds
S8.8 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 13:30 MARUSKA, K.P.: Social transitions cause rapid behavioral and neuroendocrine changes
S8.9 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 14:00 GODWIN, J*; LAMM, MA; LIU, H; GEMMELL, N: The need for speed: Neuroendocrine regulation of socially controlled sex change
S8.10 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 14:30 MANEY, Donna L.*; ZINZOW-KRAMER, Wendy M.: Estrogen Receptor Alpha: A Mediator of Life History Trade-offs?
S8.11 Tuesday, Jan. 6, 15:00 CALISI, RM: Neuroendocrine dynamics of reproductive hormones GnRH-I and GnIH in response to seasonal, social, and rapid changes in behavior