Session 9

Reproductive and Parental Behaviors

Day: Sunday, Jan. 4, 08:15-09:45
Room: 2E

Organizer(s): Elizabeth Bastiaans

Session Author(s) Title

BASTIAANS, E*; SWIM, P; WYCKOFF, L; TAN, X; SUKHARAN, D; ZUK, M Reproductive effort changes after immune challenge at varied life history stages in a cricket

CHMURA, HE*; KRAUSE, JS; PEREZ, JH; SWEET, SK; ASMUS, A; HUNT, KE; MEDDLE, SL; MCGUIGAN, MA; BOELMAN, NT; GOUGH, L; WINGFIELD, JC Reproductive success in the White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) and Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus): Reproductive Timing and Implications for Global Change.

AKCAY, C*; LENDVAI, AZ; DOMALIK, AD; ST JOHN, P; STANBACK, MT; HAUSSMANN, MF; MOORE, IT; BONIER, F Dads save the day: strategic adjustment of parental care in response to nestling begging calls.

MAJORIS, J.E.*; FRANCISCO, F.; ATEMA, A.; BUSTON, P.M. Hatching plasticity in a coral reef fish: causes and consequences of early hatching

LEVIN, ERAN*; DAVIDOWITZ, GOGGY Effect of male feeding on female fecundity in hawk moth

VICKERS, M.E.*; ROBERTSON, M.W.; WILCOXEN, T.E. The effect of food deprivation on sexual cannibalism in an obligate predator, the jumping spider Phidippus audax (Araneae: Salticidae).
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