Session 31

Biogeography, Temperature, and Climate in a Changing World

Day: Monday, Jan. 5, 08:00-09:45
Room: 1G-I

Organizer(s): Liwanagq, Stager

Session Author(s) Title

LIWANAG, H E M*; DICKSON, M M; ZIMMERMANN, S A; WOLFMEYER, T; ESPINOZA, R E Rapidly Adapting to the Neighborhood: Physiological Responses of Mediterranean House Geckos to their Introduced Climates

DIXON, GB*; DAVIES, SW; AGLYAMOVA, GA; MEYER, E; BAY, LK; MATZ, MV Mapping heat tolerance loci in the coral genome

STAGER, M*; POLLOCK, HS; SLY, ND; BENHAM, PM; BRAWN, JD; CHEVIRON, ZA Climatic indices underlying latitudinal patterns in avian metabolic scope

MAHON, AR*; HAVIRD, JC; SANTOS, SR; HALANYCH, KM Thermal adaptation and differential gene expression in Antarctic sea spiders (Pycnogonida)

CHEVIRON, ZA*; ELOGIO, TS; LUI, MA; STORZ, JF; MCCLELLAND, GB; SCOTT, GR Functional genomics of adaptation to hypoxic cold stress in highland deer mice

APANOVITCH, E.K.**; RIDDELL, E.A.; SEARS, M.W. Rising Stress: Investigating Plethodon metcalfi stressors across range limits using elevation and latitude as climate change proxies
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