TALX Workshop Teaching and Learning Evolution (with an emphasis on non-majors and introductory majors)

SICB Annual Meeting 2014
January 3-7, 2014
Austin TX
Hilton Austin

TALX Workshop: Teaching and Learning Evolution (with an emphasis on non-majors and introductory majors)

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 12 Noon

Organizer: Dr. George Harper, Hendrix College
Participants: Dr. Ross H. Nehm, Stony Brook University
Dr. Sarah Boyer, Macalester College

Spaces available: 50

Description: While evolution is overwhelmingly accepted as the foundation of Biology, many Biology majors do not take a course in Evolution until they reach upper-level courses, and the average non-major never takes a course that explicitly teaches evolutionary theory or the evidence for evolution. This workshop is designed to address ways to teach evolution both to the typical upper-level major students and to students who have not taken Genetics or any other Biology course. Topics to be covered include general course type/structure (stand-alone courses with or without labs, modules or themes within another course, interdisciplinary team taught courses), resources available (books, videos, programs), and teaching strategies.

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