Symposium S1-3

Symposium: When Predators Attack: Sensing Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions Part III – Motor Integration

Day: Friday, Jan. 4, 1:20 – 3:00 pm
Room: Continental Ballroom 4

Organizer(s): Matthew McHenry, Stacey Combes

Symposium Author(s) Title

PATTERSON, B.W.; ABRAHAM, A.; MCLEAN, D.; PATANKAR, N.A.; MACIVER, M.A.* Vision versus electrosense: Mechanics and sensing in prey capture behavior in larval zebrafish compared to electric knifefish

STEWART, WJ*; NAIR, AM; MCHENRY, MJ The sensory cues for predator evasion in fish

ROBINSON, H.E.*; KOEHL, M.A.R. Sessile predators and motile prey: the effects of turbulence and wavy flow on benthic predator-prey interactions

KIøRBOE, Thomas Attack or attacked: The sensory and fluid mechanical constraints of copepod predator-prey interactions
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