Session 9

Complementary to Symposium: Physiological Responses to Simultaneous Shifts in Multiple Environmental Stressors: Relevance in a Changing World – Part II

Day: Friday, Jan. 4, 10:20 am – Noon
Room: Yosemite A

Organizer(s): Brad Seibel

Session Author(s) Title

ALLEN, JD*; ARMSTRONG, AF Developmental flexibility in a variable environment: lessons from sand dollars and sea urchins

FOO, SA*; BYRNE, M Effects of ocean warming and ocean acidification on the sea urchin Heliocidaris tuberculata

ARMSTRONG, AF*; BLACKBURN, HN; ALLEN, JD Delay of hatching in the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma in response to reduced salinity

NGUYEN, H.D.*; DOO, S.S.; SOARS, N.A.; THOMSON, M; BYRNE, M Tolerance of early life history stages of Australian intertidal sea stars to ocean warming and ocean acidification: sensitivity of lecithotrophic developers

VASQUEZ, M.C.*; MURILLO, A.; BROCKMANN, H.J.; JULIAN, D. Multiple stressor interactions delay horseshoe crab embryo development
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