Session 57

Behavioral Variation

Day: Saturday, Jan. 5, 10:00 am – Noon
Room: Continental Ballroom 2/3

Organizer(s): Sarah Zohdy

Session Author(s) Title

ZOHDY, S*; KEMP, A.D.; TECOT, S; WRIGHT, P.C. ; JERNVALL, J Of Lice and Lemurs: Personality Traits and Parasite Dynamics in Wild Brown Mouse Lemurs Microcebus rufus

KEISER, C.N.*; MONDOR, E.B. Maternal predation risk induces transgenerational behavioral plasticity in a parthenogenetic insect

WILLIAMS-SIEG, K. A.*; MILES, D. B. Behavioral plasticity mediates life history trade-offs in response to habitat disturbance

FOLTZ, S. L.*; DAVIS, J. E.; ROSS, A. E.; ROCK, R. P.; MOORE, I. T. Food supplementation of urban and rural sparrows: effects on corticosterone, weight, and territorial aggression

GRACCEVA, G*; HERDE, A; KOOLHAAS, JM; PALME, R; ECCARD, JA; GROOTHUIS, TGG Turning shy on winter’s day: effects of season on personality and stress response in Microtus arvalis
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