Session 38

Complementary Symposium: When Predators Attack: Sensing and Motion in Predator-Prey Interactions II

Day: Saturday, Jan. 5, 10:00 – 11:40 am

Room: Imperial A

Organizer(s): Sonke Johnsen, Brian E. Dalton

Session Author(s) Title

THOMAS, W H*; FUNG, J K; THOMAS, F Water Quality of Kāne’ohe Bay Using Indicator Species Tripneustes Gratilla

HEIN, A. M.*; MCKINLEY, S. A. Sensory signals and predator search performance at the low prey density limit

GARDINER, JM*; ATEMA, J; HUETER, RE; MOTTA, PJ Sensory switching in sharks: the role of multimodal stimuli in prey tracking and capture

DALTON, B. E. *; CRONIN, T. W.; CARLETON, K. L. Coexpression of Spectrally Distinct Opsins: A Novel Mechanism of Photoreceptor Tuning?

SCHWALBE, M.A.B.*; WEBB, J.F. The Contributions of Sensory Morphology and Prey Detection Behavior to Trophic Niche Differentiation in Two Sand-Feeding Lake Malawi Cichlids
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