Session 26

Complementary to Symposium: Coping with Uncertainty: Integrating Physiology, Behavior and Evolutionary Ecology in a Changing World – Part I

Day: Friday, Jan. 4, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Room: Plaza A

Organizer(s): Kristjan Niitepold

Session Author(s) Title

NIITEPOLD, K*; PEREZ, A; BOGGS, CL Food limited butterflies �” Resting and flight metabolic rate, fecundity and longevity

BOGGS, C.L.*; NIITEPOLD, K.; PEREZ, A. Comparative Effects of Adult Food Limitation on Butterfly Life Histories

KIM, TW*; TAYLOR, J; LOVERA, C; BARRY, JP Ocean acidification impairs olfaction and elevates respiration in deep sea hermit crabs, with high variation between individuals

GUNDERSON, A.R. Testing common models of temperature-dependent activity: implications for predicting responses to climate change.

SAPIR, N*; ROTICS, S.; KAATZ, M.; DAVIDSON, S.; ZURELL, D.; EGGERS, U.; JELTSCH, F.; NATHAN, R.; WIKELSKI, M. Multi-year tracking of White storks (Ciconia ciconia): how the environment shapes the movement and behavior of a soaring-gliding inter-continental migrant

SHERO, M.R.*; PEARSON, L.E.; GOETZ, K.T.; ROBINSON, P.W.; HÜCKSTÄDT, L.A.; COSTA, D.P.; BURNS, J.M. How Weddell seals stay in shape: Using morphometric and isotopic dilution techniques to assess seasonal changes in body condition
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