Session 140

Nutrition- Energetics II

Day: Monday, Jan. 7, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Room: Yosemite A

Organizer(s): Pierre Deviche, Elizabeth Macdougall-Shackleton

Session Author(s) Title

FOWLER, M.A.*; DEBIER, C; CHAMPAGNE, C.D.; CROCKER, D.E.; COSTA, D.P. Insulin as a differential regulator of lipid mobilization in fasting northern elephant seals

DAILEY, R.E.*; RICHMOND, J.P. Impact of nutritional status on ghrelin and growth hormone in phocid seal pups

DAVIES, S*; DEVICHE, P The effect of food availability on the seasonal reproductive development of birds

HENNIN, H.L.*; DESCAMPS, S.; FORBES, M.R.; GILCHRIST, H.G.; BÊTY, J.; SOOS, C.; LOVE, O.P. The survival cost of reproductive investment: higher fattening rates lead to increased risk of mortality to a novel disease

SCHMIDT, K.L.*; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, E.A.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, S.A. The Long-term Effects of Early-Life Stress on Metabolic Rates, Body Composition, and Body Size in Song Sparrows

ROWELL, TR*; SEALE, LA; SEALE, AP; BANUELOS, GS; GRAU, EG; RILEY, LG Effects of Selenium-enriched meal on growth performance, endocrine control of growth and selenoprotein expression in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
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