Session 125

Immunology I

Day: Monday, Jan. 7, 8:00 – 10:00 am
Room: Continental Ballroom 9

Organizer(s): Travis E. Wilcoxen

Session Author(s) Title

WILCOXEN, TE*; HORN, DJ; FLAMM, JC; GUERRA, DF; HOGAN, BM; HUBBLE, CN; HUBER, SJ; KNOTT, MH; SALIK, F; WASSENHOVE, SJ Physiological and ecological impacts of bird feeding activities.

FLIES, AS*; HOLEKAMP, KE; GRANT, CK; MANSFIELD, LS Immune defenses of captive and wild spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta): a comparative analysis

KILLPACK, T.L.*; CARREL, E; KARASOV, W.H. Impact of food restriction on immune function in altricial house sparrow nestlings

ISERI , V.J. ; KLASING, K. C.* The cost of an immune response to Escherichia coli in Gallus gallas

CARLTON, E.D.*; COOPER, C.L.; DEMAS, G.E. Metabolic signals differentially regulate trade-offs between the reproductive and immune systems in female Siberian hamsters

ADELMAN, JS*; WILSON, AF; HOPKINS, WA; HAWLEY, DM Temperature-induced feeding increases do not augment pathogen deposition on bird feeders: potential consequences for climate-disease relationships
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