Session 9

Immunology: Evolution and the Environment

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 4, 8:00-10:00 AM
Room: Club North

Organizer(s): James Adelman, Louise Rollins

Session Author(s) Title

ADELMAN, JS*; HAWLEY, DM Variation in immune responsiveness and tolerance of Mycoplasma infection between house finch populations

GRAHAM, Sean*; FREIDENFELDS, Nicole; MCCORMICK, Gail; LANGKILDE, Tracy The impacts of invaders: Basal and acute stress glucocorticoid profiles and immune function in native lizards threatened by invasive ants.

LOPES, P.C.*; ADELMAN, J.S.; CHAN, H.; DEMATHIEU, S.L.; BENTLEY, G.E. Potential trade-off between recovery from infection and current reproductive opportunity: social effects on sickness behavior

FLIES, Andrew S*; MANSFIELD, Linda S; TSAO, Jean I; HOLEKAMP, Kay E Rank-related variation in immune function in a gregarious carnivore

KOHNO, S*; STERN, WH; LOWERS, RH; GUILLETTE, LJ Can environmental contaminants alter sex hormone signaling of splenic function in the American alligator?

CARY, TL*; KARASOV, WH Immunotoxicity may be a more sensitive endpoint for sublethal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in the northern leopard frog
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