Session 6

Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 4, 8:00 AM-Noon
Room: Ballroom C3

Organizer(s): Maria de Boef, Sabrina Lee

Session Author(s) Title

DE BOEF MIARA, M.*; BIEWENER, A.A. Measuring muscle pennation in vivo using sonomicrometry and 3-D X-ray cinematography methods.

GILMORE, L. A.*; NISHIKAWA, K. C. Length, force and changes in the elastic behavior of active muscle.

ENG, CM*; LIEBERMAN, DE; BIEWENER , AA In vivo strain patterns indicate different functions in the proximal and distal fascia lata of the goat

WILLIAMS, C.D.*; SALCEDO, M. K.; REGNIER, M.; IRVING, T. C.; DANIEL, T. L. Pulling apart lattice spacing: interfilament distance regulates force

LEE, S/SM*; BIEWENER, A/A; DE BOEF MIARA, M; ARNOLD, A/S; WAKELING, J/M Effect of Motor Unit Recruitment on In Vivo Muscle Function

CRESPO, J. G.*; VCIKERS, N. J.; GOLLER, F. Female pheromones modulate muscle activation patterns for pre-flight warm-up in male moths

VON BUSSE, J.R.S.*; SWARTZ, S.M.; BREUER, K.S.; HEDENSTRÖM, A.; WINTER, Y.; VOIGT, C.C. Energetics of Bat Flight

WOODS, W. A.*; SCHULER, F. R. ; YEE, A. L. ; TRIMMER, B. A. Optimizing work and power production of a Manduca sextalarval locomotory muscle

RICHARDS, Christopher T*; SAWICKI, Gregory Power amplification in water: modeling muscle-tendon dynamics during swimming

COUGHLIN, D. J.*; MISTRY, H.; CAMPION, L. A.; CHOI, S. Contractile Properties and Myosin Expression in Swimming and Feeding Muscles of Centrarchid Fishes

KMACK, DA*; YEO, SH; PAI, DK; UYENO, TA; WILKINSON, KC; TESTER, JT; NISHIKAWA, KC Linear actuator design based on a new hypothesis of muscle contraction
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