SICB Annual Meeting 2011
January 3-7, 2011
Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown and
Salt Lake City Convention Center (Salt Palace)

Starts on Monday afternoon, Jan. 3
NEW! Ends on Friday afternoon, Jan. 7 at 5:30 pm.
Events and Orientation
Opening Plenary Session
Monday, January 3 The Plenary Address will be given by Tom Daniels, from the University of Washington, and will be in Ballrooms EFGH in the Salt Palace Convention Center from 7:30-8:30 pm.
Sessions-Symposia-Social Events
The 2011 Annual Meeting for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is an educational and research forum for investigations of biology on a broad comparative scale. The meeting will include many symposia and special programs in addition to hundreds of contributed papers in divisional and topical sessions.
Welcome to Salt Lake City Reception
The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology welcomes you to Salt Lake City with a reception on Monday, January 3 in Ballrooms ABCD in the Salt Palace Convention Center from 8:30-10pm. The Welcome Reception will follow the Plenary lecture held at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Light snacks will be provided.
Special Events
- 2011 Howard Bern LectureThe Howard Bern Lecture “Putting the brakes on reproduction. Implications for conservation? Global climate change?“ will be held by Dr. John C. Wingfield, University of California, Davis, on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 6:30-7:30 PM.The Howard Bern Lecture has been an excellent forum for presenting the newest breakthroughs in comparative endocrinology, recognition of one of the foremost founding fathers of Comparative Endocrinology and an excellent platform for promoting the journal General and Comparative Endocrinology. See below for the information about the lecture and see previous Howard Bern Lecturers at
- The George A. Bartholomew Award lecture “Two genders, one genome: an integrative perspective on sexual conflict and the costs of reproduction” will be held by Dr. Robert M. Cox, on Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 6:30 PM.
- NSF will participate in the 2011 meeting. Their exact program is TBD at this time.
- The John Moore Lecture this year “Evidence-based Teaching in Introductory Biology” will be given by Dr. Scott Freeman, University of Washington (Friday, Jan. 7, 3 pm, Ballroom B at the Convention Centre).
American Microscopical Society
American Microscopical Society AMS members are invited to meet for their yearly luncheon. The Keynote Lecture will be held in the evening from 7:30-8:30 pm, Wednesday, January 5, and will be given by Craig Young, entitled: “The discovery and naming of marine larval forms: shallow and deep, then and now.”
Also visit our page about the Ralph and Mildred Buchsbaum Prize for Excellence in Photomicrography.
Grad Student/Post Docs Welcome and Meeting Orientation
Monday, January 3, 2010, 5:30 pm. “How to get the most out of your SICB meeting.”
- How to find relevant talks/posters during the meetings
- How to find everyone at the meetings
- How to approach a “big whig”
- How to enter or leave a room/move between rooms
- How to plan your meeting
- How to get involved in SICB or attend business meetings and the importance of attending the meetings (exposure, recognition) This will be followed by a lightning round of first timers’ questions.
Graduate Student Workshop
As in previous years, there will be a Graduate Student Workshop on Thursday, January 6, 6:30-8:30 pm (Ballroom B) entitled, “The Importance of Mentorships in Science Careers.” The Student/Postdoctoral Affairs Committee will host a workshop focusing on the importance of mentorships at all stages of scientific careers. Please join us and bring a bag dinner to hear from leaders in several biological fields about setting up successful mentorships, why they are important, what to look for in a mentor, and how to approach a mentor or a mentorship. We will also spend time discussing specific topics in mentorships, such as seeking a mentor with specific experiences you might be facing (being a minority in your field of study, raising a family as a scientist, etc.). We will also have a question/answer session and hope to address questions you might have in regards to successful mentorship.
SICB Grand Challenges Workshop
Tuesday January 4th, 2011 12-3pm
This will be a 3 hour workshop with the first 40 mins or so for a series of short presentations (<10min each), and the final 2+ hours for directed discussion of some key questions. The primary objective is to get SICB membership involved and to share a summary of the workshop at the SICB business meeting. Presenters were selected on the basis of their involvement with SICB and GCOB efforts, and include Marvalee Wake, Dianna Padilla, Mark Denny, Sheila Patek and Jonathon Stillman. The Workshop will start with the need for Organismal Biology and the Grand Challenges, and the need for larger scale research directions (M.Wake). A brief history of how other groups organized around their “grand challenges” and NSF response (D. Padilla) will follow. Mark Denny and Jonathon Stillman will present a generic outline of structure to address the GCOB”s and present some examples of options for pursuing a particular direction. In addition, they will give examples of 2-3 key questions that can be used in the subsequent discussion. Sheila Patek will then orchestrate a series of “breakout” discussion groups where workshop participants will be able to tackle the key question in GCOB in small groups. The outcomes of the discussions will be shared amongst the participants and summarized for the SICB Business meeting and subsequent article for ICB.
SICB Broadening Participation Workshop for Graduate Students, Post-Docs, and new Professors: “Balancing Life and an Academic Career”
Wednesday January 5th, 2011 12-1pm
Presented by: Greg Florant, Colorado State University and Nora Espinoza, Clemson University. This workshop will explore issues concerning time management techniques, conflict resolutions, and negotiations in academia as they pertain to your life and successful career. The presenters will share some of their experiences and then questions and issues from the audience will be entertained.
SICB Broadening Participation Workshop for Post-Docs and new Professors: “Issues facing New Faculty”
Thursday January 6th, 2011 12-1pm
This workshop is intended for postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty. A panel of four faculty members will cover topics from achieving tenure at an R-1 institution to balancing work-life issues. The panel consists of Dr. Peggy Biga, Assistant Professor North Dakota State University; Dr. Hannah Carey, Professor, University of Wisconsin; Dr. Michele Nishiguchi, Professor and Department Head New Mexico State University; and Dr. Scott McWilliams, Professor, University of Rhode Island. Each panelist will provide a brief summary of suggestions; most of the time will be allocated for discussion with the panel and the audience.
Phylogenetic for Dummies Series: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R
Tuesday January 4th, 2011 8pm in the Deer Valley Room at the Marriott Hotel. Click here for details.
SICB Public Affairs Workshop: “Communicating With the Media”
Wednesday, January 5, 12:00-1:30 Room 250C
You’ve spent endless hours sweating in the lab and field, but how do you communicate your ground-breaking results to the broader public? This workshop aims to help you learn and refine skills for getting your message out. Topics include how to find the right media outlet, discovering what journalists are really looking for, and how to best work with your university press office. This workshop will be led by a diverse and distinguished panel of journalists and a media-savvy SICB member. Carl Zimmer is a science writer who has written many outstanding books with themes in organismal biology and has scores of credits in publications such as The New York Times, Discover magazine, and National Geographic. Lee Siegel is a science writing specialist for the University of Utah Public Relations whose previous work includes time with the Associated Press and experience on a staff that won a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the Mount St. Helens eruption. Mimi Koehl is not only a prolific and creative biomechanist who has won the MacArthur “genius” award, but is an outstanding communicator whose work has garnered copious media attention.
Companion Orientation/Continental Breakfast
All registered companions are welcome to join an informal gathering on Tuesday, January 4, from 9:00-10:00 am. A knowledgeable local person will be on hand to let you know about some of the many fascinating facts and sightseeing opportunities in Salt Lake City.
SICB Society-Wide Social in Honor of Students and Postdocs
Join your fellow SICB members for a Society-Wide Social on Friday, January 7, from 4:00-6:00, Registration Foyer at the Convention Center. Wine and cheese will be served and a cash bar will be available.
SICB Business Meeting
The SICB Business Meeting will take place Thursday, January 6, from 5:15 – 6:15 pm.