Session 98

Thermal Biology and Muscle Physiology and Biochemistry

Day: Thursday, Jan. 7, 8:00 AM-Noon
Room: 613/614

Organizer(s): Kristin Hardy (8-10 AM), Inna Sokolova (10 AM-Noon)

Session Author(s) Title

DEBAN, SM*; LAPPIN, AK Temperature effects on the motor control of ballistic prey capture in toads

OLSON, JM*; CARAGIULO, A; CZERWINSKI SHIELDS, BV; SOUCIER, D Prolonged Cold Exposure in Young Quail: avUCP, Ultrastructure and Catabolic Capacities in Skeletal Muscle

HARDY, KM*; LEMA, SC; KINSEY, ST The metabolic demands of swimming behavior influence the evolution of skeletal muscle fiber design in the brachyuran crab family Portunidae

SOUTHWOOD, A.L.*; HARDEN, L.A. Temperature effects on metabolic enzyme activity in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)

BOLINGER, M.T.*; RODNICK, K.J. Glucose Inhibition and Temperature Sensitivity of Glycogen Phosphorylase in Rainbow Trout

HUEY, R.B.*; DEUTSCH, C.A.; TEWKSBURY, J.J; VITT, L.J.; HERTZ, P.E.; ALVAREZ PEREZ, H.J.; GARLAND, T.J., JR.; LISTER, B.C.; GORMAN, G.C. Why tropical forest lizards can’t take the heat

LEE, A.H.*; PADIAN, K.; TAYLOR, M.T.; WEDEL, M.J.; IRMIS, R.B.; WERNING, S. The Universal Temperature Dependence Model fails to predict body temperatures of mammals and dinosaurs

DUNKIN, R.*; WILLIAMS, T.; WILSON, D.; JOHNSON, S.; JOHNSON, K. Are Elephants Obligate Evaporative Coolers?

ROWE , Michael F*; BAKKEN , George S ; RATLIFF, Joey ; LANGMAN , Vaughan Thermodynamics of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Locomotion: The Functional Significance of Heat Storage and Pinna Vasodilatation

POTTER, K. A.*; DAVIDOWITZ, G.; WOODS, H. A. Fried eggs: long-term consequences of egg temperature for insects

SHELDON, Kimberly S.*; TEWKSBURY, Joshua J. If you can’t stand the heat: how CTmax drives thermal breadth in beetles across latitude
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