Session 59

Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 6, 8:00 AM-Noon
Room: 602/603

Organizer(s): Rosemary Knapp, Nicole Perfito

Session Author(s) Title

KNAPP, R.*; MARSH-MATTHEWS, E.C.; VO, L. Cortisol masculinizes female mosquitofish morphology and behavior

GLEDHILL, Michael R*; TRAN, Michael C; TSUKIMURA, Brian Regulation of Methyl Farnesoate Esterase during development of the tadpole shrimp, Triops longicaudatus

PARKER, M ROCKWELL*; MASON, ROBERT T Novel mechanisms regulating a sexual signal: testosterone inhibition of pheromone production in red-sided garter snakes

VITOUSEK, Maren N.*; MITCHELL, Mark A.; ROMERO, L. Michael; AWERMAN, Jessica; WIKELSKI, Martin To breed or not to breed: stress and reproductive decision-making in Galapagos marine iguanas

BRASHEARS, J.A.*; DENARDO, D.F. Hormonal correlates accompanying reproductive behavior in three species of python

MOORE, I.T.*; VALIN, M.; CASASANTA, M.; EIKENAAR, C.; HUSAK, J.F. Testosterone and latitude in reptiles and amphibians

PERFITO, Nicole*; JEONG, Sunny; BENTLEY, George E.; SILVERIN, Bengt; HAU, Michaela First –day release and Dio2: a test of latitudinal variation in photoperiodic control of reproduction in great tits Parus major

WILCOXEN, T. E.*; SCHOECH, S. J. Age-related differences in HPG axis responsiveness to GnRH challenge in Florida Scrub-Jays

DEY, C.J.*; O’CONNOR, C.M.; GILMOUR, K.M.; VAN DER KRAAK, G.; COOKE, S.J. Behavioural and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulations during parental care

PATTERSON, S.H.*; BREUNER, C.W. Corticosterone as a mediator of reproductive effort

DEVRIES, M. S.*; HOLBROOK, A. L.; WINTERS, C. P.; JAWOR, J. M. Flexibility of the HPG Axis of Female Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis): Implications for Behavior and Reproductive Context
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