Session 38

Stress Endocrinology

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 5, 8:20 AM-Noon
Room: 612

Organizer(s): Erica Crespi, Luke Butler

Session Author(s) Title

CRESPI, Erica J*; WARNE, Robin W Interactions between social stress and resource availability on tadpole growth, development and physiology

RENSEL, M.A.*; SCHOECH, S.J. Road disturbance and its impact on stress physiology and growth in young Florida scrub-jays

MALISCH, J.L.*; CRINO, O.L; BREUNER, C.W. Corticosterone, corticosteroid-binding globulin, and free corticosterone, 24-72 hours following an acute stressor in a wild population of white-crowned sparrows

MENDONCA, M.T*; PATTERSON, S.T. Relationship between corticosterone, immune response, and parasite load in two species of tropical anurans (Chaunus marinus and Agalychnis callidryas).

CRINO, O.L.*; KLAASSEN VAN OORSCHOT, B.; MALISCH, J.L.; BREUNER, C.B. The effects of distance to road, nest site characteristics, and parental stress response on nestling stress response in the Mountain White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha)

BUTLER, L.K.*; HAYDEN, T.J; ROMERO, L.M. Environmental and life-history correlates of glucocorticoid physiology in an arid-country bird

JANZEN, WJ*; RILEY, LG The Effects of Acute Cortisol Administration on Appetite Control in the Tilapia

DI POI, C.; ATKINSON, S.*; HOOVER-MILLER, A.; BLUNDELL, G. Presence of the mother influences the stress response in harbor seal pups

MERRILL, L.**; ROTHSTEIN, S.I.*; O’LOGHLEN, A.L.*; WINGFIELD, J.C.* Changes in the innate immune systems of male and female brown-headed cowbirds in response to CORT: why do the sexes differ?

BRYER, PJ*; DAVIS, BL; SUTHERLAND, MA Science based criteria for assessing humane euthanasia
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