Session 92

Regulation of Growth

Day: Wednesday, Jan. 7, 8:00-11:40 AM
Room: Carlton

Organizer(s): Peggy Biga, Mark Sheridan

Session Author(s) Title

CHEN, Ming*; JOCOBS, Molly/W; LAUFER, Hans Competition of tyrosine with alkylphenols during shell hardening in new cuticle of lobsters

WALKER, A.A.; DEVADI, R.; RILEY JR, L.G.* Temperature and Fasting Differentially Regulate Glucose Metabolism and Ghrelin Levels in the Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)

BIGA, P. R. *; BRASCHAYKO, E.; GALT, N; PAKALA, K. P.; JENSEN, J. Does myostatin play a regulatory role outside of muscle growth and metabolism?

GLAZER, L.*; SHECHTER, A.; BERMAN, A.; WEIL, S.; AFLALO, E.D.; YUDKOVSKI, Y.; TOM, M.; SAGI, A. A Novel Molt-related Protein with a Possible Role in the Formation of Crayfish Calcium Storage Deposits

HELM, Bryan R*; DAVIDOWITZ, Goggy On the physiological determination of body size in Manduca sex: What is the critical weight?

DAS, S.*; HOPKINS, P.M.; DURICA, D.S. Expression of ecdysteroid responsive genes in response to hormonal induction and RNAi mediated gene silencing in Uca pugilator

WON, E.T.*; BALTZEGAR, D.A.; PICHA, M.E.; BORSKI, R.J. Cloning and regulation of hepatic leptin mRNA expression by nutritional status in hybrid striped bass (Genus Morone)

REINDL, K.M.; KITTILSON, J.D.; SHERIDAN, M.A.* Ligand Binding, Agonist-Induced Regulation, and Signaling Characteristics of Trout Growth Hormone Receptors in Transfected Cells

KEOGH, M.J.*; MANISCALCO, J.M.; ATKINSON, S. Development of Endocrine and Immune Function in Endangered Steller Sea Lion Pups (Eumetopias jubatus)

BAKER, D.M.*; MCCORMICK, S.D. Seasonal and developmental expression of growth hormone regulatory neuropeptides in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
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