Session 65

Environmental Endocrinology

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 8:20-9:40 AM
Room: Griffin

Organizer(s): Luke Butler

Session Author(s) Title

BUTLER, L.K.*; RIES, L.; HAYDEN, T.J.; BISSON, I.-A.; WIKELSKI, M.; ROMERO, L.M. Physiological and demographic effects of roads on an endangered, old-growth specialist and a common generalist

FOLTZ, S.L.*; DAVIS, J.E.; LEI, F.; WINGFIELD, J.C. Hormone Levels in Laying and Non-Laying Female Eurasian Tree Sparrows on the Tibetan Plateau

CORNELIUS, J.M.*; ZYLBERBERG, M.; BREUNER, C.W.; HAHN, T.P. Stress physiology and parasite burden differ during winter and summer breeding in a north-temperate zone temporal opportunist, the red crossbill Loxia curvirostra

ASTHEIMER, Lee B*; PRYKE, Sarah R; MAUTE, Kim; GRIFFITH, Simon C; BUTTEMER, William A Effects of diet quality on glucocorticoid characteristics in Gouldian finch: lessons for evaluating avian health

CHEEK, A.O. Hypoxia alters gonadal androgen synthesis in the estuarine fish Fundulus grandis
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