Session 54

Metabolism, Part I

Day: Tuesday, Jan. 6, 8:00 AM-Noon
Room: Grand Ballroom C

Organizer(s): L. Langlois, Ione Hunt bon Herbing

Session Author(s) Title

BAUCHINGER, U.*; MCWILLIAMS, S. R. Carbon turnover in tissues of a passerine bird: allometry, isotopic clocks, and phenotypic flexibility in organ size

BEN-EZRA, E.*; HUMPHRIES, M.M Intra-specific variation in the metabolic rate of the red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) across western Canada

FLETCHER, Q.E.*; SELMAN, C.; SPEAKMAN, J.R.; LEEUWENBURGH, C.; HUMPHRIES, M.M. Metabolically mediated oxidative stress and in a free-ranging mammal

GRIM, Jeffrey/M*; CROCKETT, Elizabeth/L; KRISKA, Tamas; HYNDMAN, Kelly/A; ALBERT, Girotti/W Protection of elevated membrane PUFA contents by GPx4 in marine vertebrates

HUNT VON HERBING, I*; CASHON, ; BABCOCK, Hemoglobin Polymerization in Fishes: A Physiological Antioxidant?

LEASE, HM*; KLOK, CJ; KAISER, A; HARRISON, JF The Scaling of Critical PO2 in Coleoptera

YEATES, Laura C.*; WILLIAMS, Terrie M.; TINKER, M. Tim The Challenge of Energetic and Thermal Balance in Aquatic Environments: a simple bioenergetic-behavioral model for sea otters

DUNKIN, R.C.*; DAVIDSON, E.; ROBERTS, K.; HURLEY, W.; WILLIAMS, T.M. Longitudinal Measurements of Caloric Intake and Body Condition in Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins (T. truncatus) Across Three Thermal Environments

LANGLOIS, L.; MCWILLIAMS, S.** Protein requirements of seasonally frugivorous songbirds decrease during migration

GIRGUIS, PR*; NYHOLM, SV; ROBIDART, JA; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, ; GIRGUIS, From metabolite flux to gene expression and proteomics: insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying primary productivity in hydrothermal vent tubeworms

LIGHTON, JRB FM, not AM: Gas exchange during rest and activity in non-flying insects
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