Session 53

Evolutionary Physiology

Day: Monday, Jan. 5, 1:00-3:00 PM
Room: Otis

Organizer(s): Sonke Johnsen, William Buttemer

Session Author(s) Title

DLUGOSZ, EM*; CHAPPELL, MA; MEEK, TH; SZAFRANSKA, P; ZUB, K; KONARZEWSKI, M; JONES, JH; BICUDO, E; GARLAND, T, Jr. Phylogenetic Analysis of Mammalian Maximal Oxygen Consumption

JOHNSEN, S.*; KIER, W.M. You can hide, but you can’t run: trade-offs between muscle activation and transparency in glass catfish

GEBCZYNSKI, Andrzej K*; KONARZEWSKI, Marek Cross-test of the aerobic capacity model of the evolution of endothermy

BUTTEMER, W.A.*; O’DWYER, T.W.; HOYE, B.J.; KLASING, K.C.; ASTHEIMER, L.B. Interactive effects of testosterone and immune challenge on aerobic performance in House Sparrows

WIERSMA, P; RO, J; WILLIAMS, JB* Small organ size contributes to the slow pace of life in tropical birds

HICE, LYNDIE A.*; CONOVER, DAVID O. On the adaptive significance of Jordan’s Rule: comparing the temperature-dependence of critical swimming speed among latitudinal populations of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia
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