Symposium S4-1

Ecology and Evolution of Disease Dynamics

Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 8:00 am-Noon
Room: 101C

Organizer(s): Yang Kuang, James Elser, John Nagy, Timothy Newman & Val Smith

Symposium Author(s) Title

SMITH, M.S.*; NIU, Y.; YANG, R.K.; TEFERA, P.; KELLY, J.K. Within-host evolution of non-pathogenic SHIV: positive selection of virus protein motifs coincides with CD4 loss.

HALL, S.R.*; NISBET, R.M.; SIMONIS, J.; CACERES, C.E. Parasites as consumers of resources: models for disease based on dynamic energy budgets

SMITH, VAL H.*; SMITH, MARILYN S. Effects of host nutrient supply on the outcome of infectious disease

NEWMAN, T J*; ANTONOVICS, J; MCKANE, A J A fluctuation-induced mechanism for cycling behavior in disease dynamics

NAGY, J.D. Why Don’t All Whales Have Cancer? A Novel Hypothesis Resolving Peto’s paradox.

FROST, P.C.*; EBERT, D.; SMITH, V.H. Ecological stoichiometry of host-parasite interactions: effects of elemental food quality on host responses to infectious disease

ELSER, JJ*; KYLE, M; SMITH, M; NAGY, J Biological stoichiometry of tumors: a test of the growth rate hypothesis using paired biopsy samples of human tumors
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