Session 53

Regulatory Biology: Comparative Endocrinology

Day: Saturday, Jan. 7, 08:20 – 12:00
Room: Scotland B

Session Chair(s): D. Buchholz

Session Author(s) Title

MCCORMICK, Stephen D.*; O’DEA, Michael F.; MOECKEL, Amy M. Are we missing a mineralocorticoid in fish? Effect of corticoids and receptor inhibitors on salinity tolerance of Atlantic salmon.

NORBECK, L.; KITTILSON, J.; SHERIDAN, M.A.* Nutritional Regulation of the Somatotropic Axis of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

MOORE, Brandon C*; COOK, Robert W; CHUNG, Koo Whang; ALVERS, Ashley L; WOODRUFF, Teresa K; GUILLETTE, Louis J Ovarian Response to Gonadotropin in Alligator Neonates

SEABURY SPRAGUE, R.**; BREUNER, C.W. Timing of fledging, body condition, and corticosteroid binding globulin in Laysan Albatross

SILVER, M.R.*; SOWER, S.A. Characterization of an ancestral type II GnRH receptor: function and pharmacological profile of the sea lamprey GnRH receptor

BUCHHOLZ, D.R.*; PAUL, B.P.; SHI, Y.-B. Gene-specific changes in promoter occupancy by thyroid hormone receptor during frog metamorphosis: Implications for developmental gene regulation

SERRAT, M.A.*; LOVEJOY, C.O.; KING, D. Age- and site-specific decline in IGF-I receptor expression and growth plate activity in the mouse hindlimb

HYNDMAN, K/A*; EVANS, D/H Endothelin receptors in the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, gill

CHRISTIANS, Julian K*; HOEFLICH, Andreas; KEIGHTLEY, Peter D Investigation of the causal gene underlying a quantitative trait locus (QTL) contributing to genetic variation in growth

KAJIMURA, S.*; AIDA, K.; DUAN, C. Understanding hypoxia-induced gene expression in early development: In vitro and in vivo analysis of HIF-1-regulated zebrafish IGFBP-1 gene expression
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