Sexual Selection & Mating Systems in Hermaphrodites
Symposium organized by Janet L. Leonard
List of Talks:
Janet L. Leonard– University of California-Santa Cruz:
“Sexual selection in hermaphrodites: what does it look like and where do we find it?” Michael T. Ghiselin, California Academy of Science: “Hermaphroditism: where did our ideas come from?” Manfred Milinski– Max-Planck Institute for Limnology: “Fitness consequences of selfing and outcrossing in the cestode, Schistocephalus solidus.” M. C. Lorenzi and Gabriella Sella University of Turin: “Life-history and sex allocation strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm” Colette St. Mary, University of Florida: ” Effects of density on sex allocation mediated through changes in mating system rather than sperm competition” James Thomson, University of Toronto: “Tactics for male reproductive success in plants: contrasting insights of sex allocation theory and pollen presentation theory” Andrew Pemberton and John Bishop, The Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth “Plant-like mating in sessile animals by the release and uptake of aquatic sperm“ Joanne Webster , Oxford University: “Snails and Schistosomes – Sex and Success” Joris Koene , Free University, Amsterdam: “Tales of two snails: mating behavior and sexual selection in Lymnaea stagnalis and Helix aspersa” Raymond T. Bauer, University of Louisiana, Lafayette: “Same sexual system but variable sociobiology: evolution of protandric simultaneous hermaphroditism in Lysmata shrimps” Christopher W. Petersen, College of the Atlantic: “Sexual conflict and cooperation in hermaphroditic fishes” Stephen C. Weeks, University of Akron: “The evolution of androdioecy in the ephemeral pool clam shrimp, Eulimnadia texana“ Lynda Delph, Indiana University: “Sexually dimorphic traits affecting mate acquisition in gynodioecious plant species” Nico Michiels, University of Münster,: “The transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy“ |