Symposium Schedule

SICB 2005 Annual Meeting

January 4-8, 2005 at the Town & Country Hotel
San Diego, CA

PLENARY SESSION (Tuesday, January 4, 2:30-5:30 PM) in honor of Theodore Holmes Bullock. For details go to our Events page.


Society-wide symposia:

Desiccation Tolerance in Animals, Microbes, and Plants: Comparative Mechanisms and Evolution

Organizers: Peter Alpert (U. of Massachusetts), James Clegg (U. of California/Davis), Brent Mishler (U. of California/Berkeley), and Mel Oliver (USDA)
Sponsoring divisions: DCPB (primary), DEE and DIZ (additional)

Terminal Addition, Segmentation, and the Evolution of Metazoan Body Plan Regionalization

Organizers: Nigel Hughes (U. of California/Riverside) and David K. Jacobs (UCLA)
Sponsoring divisions: DEDB and DDCB (primary), DSEB, DIZ, DVM, and the Paleontological Society (additional)


Other Symposia:

“Adaptations for Life at High Elevation”

Organizers: Douglas Altshuler (Caltech) and Robert Dudley (U. of California/Berkeley)
Sponsoring divisions: DVM and DCPB (primary)

“The New Microscopy: Toward a Phylogenetic Synthesis”

Organizers: Ruth Ann Dewel (Appalachian State University), Kathy Coates (Bermuda Biological Station), Mary Beth Thomas, Clay Cook (Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution), Julian Smith (Winthrop University)
Sponsoring Affiliate Society: American Microscopical Society (primary)
Sponsoring Divisions: DEE, DNB, DIZ, DEDB, and DSEB (additional)

WormNet: Recent Advances in Annelid Systematics, Development, and Evolution

Organizer: Kenneth M. Halanych (Auburn University)
Sponsoring division(s): DIZ, DSEB, and DEDB (primary)

“Mating Systems and Sexual Selection in Hermaphrodites”

Organizer: Janet L. Leonard (U. of California/Santa Cruz)
Sponsoring divisions: DIZ and DAB (primary), DEE additional)

“Complex Life-histories in Marine Benthic Invertebrates: A Symposium in Memory of Larry McEdward”

Organizers: Dianna Padilla (Stony Brook University) and Benjamin Miner (U. of California/Davis)
Sponsoring divisions: DIZ (primary), DEE (additional)

“Evolution and Development of the Vertebrate Dentition”

Organizer: Moya Smith (King’s College London Dental Institute)
Sponsoring divisions: DEDB, DVM, DDCB, and DSEB (primary)

Mini-symposium: “Crustacea of Ephemeral Wetlands and Crustacean Diapause in Variable Environments”

Organizers: Marie Simovich (University of San Diego), Judith Williams (U. of S. Mississippi), and Andrew Bohonak (San Diego State University)
Sponsoring Society: The Crustacean Society

Mini-symposium: “Zoo-based Research and Conservation.”

Organizers: L. Patton & M. Anderson
Sponsoring division: DCE


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