Kowalevsky Minisymposium

Kowalevsky Minisymposium: Eight presentations by the recipients of the Alexander Kowalevsky Medal

Symposium organized by Eduardo Rosa-Molinar

8:00 am Eduardo Rosa Molinar: Introductory Remarks

8:05 am Scott Gilbert Alexander: Kowalevsky and the Kowalevsky Award

8:30 am Gary Freeman: The evolutionary significance of early development

9:00 am Claus Nielsen: Trochophora larvae and animal phylogeny

9:30 am Klaus Sander and Urs Schmidt-Ott: Evo-Devo Studies in Insects – Roots and Fruits

10:00 am Break

10:30 am Brian K. Hall: The search of evolutionary developmental mechanisms

11:00 am Rudolf A. Raff: From pattern to process: learning mechanisms of evolution from comparative developmental biology

11:30 am Günter P. Wagner: Rupert Riedl and the re-synthesis of development and evolution

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