Symposium S12

Symposium S12 (Morning)
DCPB Symposium: 30 Years of Biochemical Adaptation: A Symposium In Memory of Peter W. Hochachka

Day: Jan. 8 (Wed)
Room: Grand Ballroom East

Organizer(s): Raul Suarez

# Author(s) Title
S12.1 SOMERO, G.N. Thermal Limits to Life: Underlying Mechanisms and Adaptive Plasticity
S12.2 SCHULTE, P.M. Changes in gene expression as adaptations to environmental change
S12.3 STOREY, Kenneth B. Anoxia and Hypoxia: Oysters, Turtles and Beyond.
S12.4 BOUTILIER, Robert G. Mechanisms of metabolic rate depression in overwintering ectotherms.
S12.5 BUCK, Leslie T Channel Arrest in the Anoxic Turtle Brain
S12.6 ZAPOL, Warren Peter in Antarctica- Weddell Seal Stories
S12.7 SUAREZ, R.K.; DARVEAU, C.-A.; O’BRIEN, D.M.; ROUBIK, D.W. Heirarchical and Metabolic Regulation in the Evolution of Metabolic Scaling
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