Symposium P2-11

Symposium P2

Morphology: Biomechanics

Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P2.59 AVENI-DEFORGE, K.J.; WETHEY, D.S Emergent properties of strength of attachment in beds of mussels
P2.60 CLIFTON, K.B.*; MECHOLSKY, J.J., JR.; YAN, J.-H.; REEP, R.L. Toughness Determination of Manatee Rib Bone
P2.61 RIVERA, G.*; SAVITZKY, A. H.; HINKLEY, J. A. Mechanical properties of the integument of the Common Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis (Serpentes: Colubridae)
P2.62 SOCHA, J.J. The timing and shape of dorsoventral flattening in Chrysopelea paradisi, a gliding snake
P2.64 MARTINEZ, G.; DRUCKER, E.G.; SUMMERS, A.P. Under pressure to swim fast
P2.65 JOHNSON, Z. C.*; SZULGIT, G. K. Testing for the presence of mutable collagenous tissue in the digestive tract of the sea cucumber, Parastichopus parvimensis.
P2.65a CARRINGTON, E.*; HELMUTH, B.; MOORE, S. Spectral properties of intertidal organisms: reflections on the role of color.
P2.66 MELLARD, J. M.; LOUDON, C. * Flexural stiffness of bee antennae
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