Symposium P1-2

Symposium P1

Ecology and Behavior: Animal communication

Day: Jan. 5/6 (Sun/Mon)
Room: Sheraton Hall

# Author(s) Title
P1.6 WILLIAMS, K.L. Color complexity in the dactyls of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus: a new method to evaluate biologically significant characteristics.
P1.7 TEMPLE, S.E.*; HAIMBERGER, T.J.; HAWRYSHYN, C.W. Investigations into the functional significance of the visual pigment shift in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
P1.8 BEE, M. A. A Test of the Dear Enemy Effect in the Strawberry Dart-poison Frog (Dendrobates pumilio)
P1.9 SEWALL, K.B.; HAHN, T.P. Differential Heterospecific Mimicry in Three Species of Cardueline Finches
P1.10 SALEH, N.; MOZEL, L.; GUIASU, R.C.; DUNHAM, D. Agonistic interactions in the semi-terrestrial crayfish Fallicambarus fodiens : the dynamics between winners and losers
P1.11 MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, S A*; HERNANDEZ, A M; VALYEAR, K F; CLARK, A P Photostimulation induces rapid growth of song-control brain regions in male and female chickadees (Poecile atricapilla)
P1.12 MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, E.A.; MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON, S.A.; SMITH, A.W.; HAHN, T.P. Sierra Nevada mountain white-crowned sparrows do not discriminate among within-mountain-range song dialect types
P1.13 HILL, Peggy S M; HOFFART, Cara; BUCHHEIM, Mark Tracing relationships in the Gryllotalpidae
P1.14 FARRELL, W.J.*; HAYES, K.A.; WILCZYNSKI, W. Arginine Vasotocin Alters Mirror-Elicited Aggressive Behavior in Green Anolis Lizards (Anolis carolinensis).
P1.15 DAVIS, E.C. Mucus trail detection in freshwater and terrestrial pulmonate snails
P1.16 BRANDT, Y.; ALLEN, J.R. Individual Distinctiveness of Pushup Displays
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