Session 63

Gene flow

Day: Jan. 8 (Wed)
Room: Garden 10/11

Organizer(s): T. B. Watkins

Session Author(s) Title
63.1 SHEARER, Tonya L; COFFROTH, Mary Alice Population structure and gene flow of Caribbean scleractinian corals as determined by microsatellite markers.
63.2 KNOTT, K.E.*; PUURTINEN, M.; KAITALA, V. Mating systems in populations of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis
63.3 KOHN, A.J.*; DUDA, T.F. Jr. Genetic, morphological and ecological differentiation in Conus ebraeus, a Pan-Indo-Pacific zoogeographic species
63.4 BEGOVIC, Emina; LINDBERG, David R. Genetic Signatures Of Dispersal: Separating Life History From Ecology And Phylogeny
63.5 HARPER, F.M.*; HART, M.W. In vitrohybridization of the seastars Asterias forbesiand A. rubens
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