Session 41

Cold tolerance

Day: Jan. 6 (Mon)
Room: Conference B/C

Organizer(s): G. Bakken, T. Watkins

Session Author(s) Title
41.1 PACKARD, M.J.; PACKARD, G.C. Cold acclimation and cutaneous resistance to freezing in hatchling painted turtles, Chrysemys picta
41.2 PACKARD, G.C.; PACKARD, M.J. Effect of Cold-Acclimation on Capacity for Supercooling in Hatchling Painted Turtles
41.3 BAKER, P.J.*; COSTANZO, J.P.; IVERSON, J.B.; LEE JR., R.E. Adaptations to terrestrial hibernation of hatchling northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica)
41.4 LEHMER, Erin M A Rare Incident of Hibernation in Free-Ranging Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs
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