Session 40


Thermoregulation and cardiovascular biology

Day: Jan. 6 (Mon)
Room: Conference B/C

Organizer(s): G. Bakken, T. Watkins

Session Author(s) Title
40.1 BANTA, Marilyn*; LYNOTT, Aaron; HIGGENBOTHAM, Clay; VAN SANT, Matthew; BAKKEN, George Thermoregulation on the Air-Water Interface: Heat Loss from Swimming Mallard Ducklings
40.2 NUSSEAR, K.E.*; TRACY, C.R. Influence of animal absorptance on the thermal biology of desert tortoises
40.3 KHANDOKER, A. H.*; FUKAZAWA, K; CHIBA, Y; TAZAWA, H Estimation of homeothermal development in newly hatched chicks due to instantaneous heart rate measurement
40.4 CROSSLEY, Dane A; HICKS, James W; THORNBURG, Kent A Comparison of Cardiovascular Regulatory Mechanisms Present during Fowl Ontogeny; White leghorn vs. Bantam chickens.
40.5 COOKE, SJ; PHILIPP, DP Physiological Consequences of Translocation and Interstock Hybridization of a Freshwater Teleost Fish
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