Talks Thursday

Session Abstract Author(s)
1 GOLDMAN, E.B.*; DANIEL, T. L. Material properties shape dynamical responses of hydrozoan jellyfish
1 MCHENRY, M.J. Force generation by undulatory swimming at intermediate Reynolds numbers in tunicate larvae (Botrylloides, sp.)
1 ANDERSON, E.J.*; MCGILLIS, W.R.; GROSENBAUGH, M.A. Boundary Layer Flow in Fish and Squid
1 BARTOL, I.K.*; GORDON, M.S. Flow patterns around boxfishes: Role of body keels in dynamic stability
1 Wesp, H.M.*; Gibb, A.C. Escape Response Performance in the Larval Razorback Sucker, Xyrauchen texanus
1 Hale, M.E. Fast Start Behaviors of Fish Lacking Mauthner Neurons
10 ANGILLETTA, M.J.*; LEE, V.; SILVA, A.C. How Do Embryos Incubated at Higher Temperatures Spend Less Energy During Incubation?
10 Ligon, D.B.*; Peterson, C.C. Physiological Variation in Estivation among Mud Turtles (Kinosternon spp.)
10 VEZINA, F.*; SALVANTE, K.G.; WILLIAMS, T.D. The Metabolic Cost of Yolk Precursor Production
10 COSTA, D.P.*; GALES, N.J; GOEBEL, M.A. The Role of Physiology in the Behavior of Diving Mammals
10 Lancaster, W.C.*; Ward, S.; Jones, G.; Speakman, J.R. Energetics of Biosonar Vocalization in Stationary Insectivorous Bats
11 Riehle, M. M.*; Bennett, A.F.; Long, A.D. Genetic analysis of the adaptation to temperature stress: a role for gene duplications
11 LERMAN, D.N.*; BETTENCOURT, B.R.; YI, C.H.; KIM, I.; FEDER, M.E. Response of an hsp70 gene cluster to laboratory and natural selection in Drosophila melanogaster.
11 ROBERTS, S. P.*; FEDER, M.E.; POSLUSZNY, J.A Developmental and fitness consequences of natural thermal stress and hsp70 copy number in Drosophila melanogaster
11 ZANI, P.A.*; BRADSHAW, W.E.; HOLZAPFEL, C.M.; LUCERO, K.D. The Thermal Tolerance of the Pitcher-Plant Mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii
11 BENNETT, V.A.*; KUKAL, O.; LEE, R.E. Seasonal metabolic depression and mitochondrial degradation in Arctic woollybear caterpillars, Gynaephora groenlandica
11 Shillington, C. Energy Metabolism and Thermal Ecology of Male Tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae)
12 Helmuth, B.*; Hofmann, G.E. Defining thermal stress in the rocky intertidal: linking ecology and physiology through biophysics
12 O’Connor, M.P.*; Zimmerman, L.C.; Spotila, J.R. Effects of behavior, physiology, and habitat on thermoregulation in desert tortoises.
12 KROCHMAL, A.R.*; BAKKEN, G.S. Evidence for the Use of Facial Pits for Behavioral Thermoregulation In the Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox)
12 LIKNES, E.T.*; SWANSON, D.L. Seasonal Metabolic Acclimatization in the American Goldfinch Revisited: To What Extent Does Summit Metabolism Vary Seasonally?
12 MEAGHER, E.*; PABST, D.A.; MCLELLAN, W.; WESTGATE, A.; WELLS, R. Heart rate, respiration and heat flux across the dorsal fin in wild bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus
13 McGinn, N.A.*; Walker, C.W. Vitellogenesis in the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis: Localization of vitellogenin protein in gonadal tissue
13 CHEEK, A.O.*; BROUWER, T.H.; CARROLL, S.; MANNING, S.; MCLACHLAN, J.A.; BROUWER, M. Experimental evaluation of vitellogenin as a predictive biomarker for reproductive disruption
13 SELCER, K.W.*; DAY, A.M.; VERBANIC, J.D. Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) Vitellogenin: Purification, Development of an Immunoassay, and Characterization of Induction Following Immersion in Diethylstilbestrol
13 MAYER, L.P* and; DYER, C. A.; PROPPER, C. R. Sexual dimorphism in gonadal steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) expression during sexual differentiation and the effects of octylphenol on the differentiation process in the American bullfrog Rana catesbeiana.
13 Howdeshell, K.L.*; Ruhlen, R.L.; Welshons, W.V.; vom Saal, F.S. Serum regulation of estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals during mouse neonatal development
14 COSTANTIO,D.*; KOZAK, K.; LECAUDE, S.; ALRUBAIAN, J.; DORES, R.M. Cloning of a proopiomelanocortin cDNA from the pituitary of the urodele amphibian, Aphiuma means.
14 MANZON, L.A.*; LAUDET, V.; YOUSON, J.H. Cloning and Expression of Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Thyroid Hormone and Retinoid X Receptors.
14 GRINDSTAFF, R.D.*; PYLES, R.A. Thyroid and prolactin hormones in metamorphic and paedomorphic species of ambystomatid salamanders
14 MCCLEARY, R.J.R.*; MCFARLAND, E.C.; GRASMAN, K.A.; MCNABB, F.M.A. Ontogeny of UDP-GT activity in Japanese quail and effects of PCB 126 on UDP-GT activity in chicken embryos.
14 McNABB, F.M.A.*; FOWLER, L.A.; PARSONS, C.M.; GRASMAN, K.A.; FOX, G.A. Thyroid Function in Herring Gulls from PCB-contaminated Great Lakes sites.
15 HOLLIS, D.H.*; BOYD, S.K. Characterization and distribution of [3H]muscimol binding to a GABA-A-like receptor in the bullfrog brain.
15 LOVERN, M.B.*; MCNABB, F.M.A.; JENSSEN, T.A. Developmental effects of testosterone on behavior in male and female green anole lizards.
15 ROSEN, G.*; WADE, J. Androgen metabolism in the green anole lizard brain
15 Moore, M.C.*; Painter, D.; Woodley, S.K.; Lacy, E.L.; Jennings, D.H.; Wikelski, M. Neuroendocrine mechanisms of alternative male reproductive tactics in marine iguanas
15 WOODLEY, S.*; PAINTER, D.; MOORE, M.; WIKELSKI, M. Daily rhythm of basal corticosterone levels is not synchronized with feeding activity in Marine Iguanas
15 Mendon�a, M. T. Effects of temperature, testosterone, and flutamide on mating in male big brown bats
16 LONDRAVILLE, R.L.*; DUVALL, C.S. Fish Respond to Murine Leptin Injections by Increasing Intracellular Fat Metabolism.
16 Beckman, B.R.*; Fairgrieve, W.; Cooper, K.A.; Mahnken, C.V.W.; Dickhoff, W.W. Endocrine Correlates of Growth in Ocean Dwelling Coho Salmon
16 SCHMIDT, K.E.*; LEAL, R.; DESAI, P.; KELLEY, K.M. Proposed Growth-Inhibitory Role of a Membrane-Associated Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein (IGFBP) in an Iguanid Heart Cell
16 VAN CLEEFF, J.*; BLACHE, D.; MARTIN, G. Early castration of male emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) reduces their feed efficiency and attenuates vernal fattening without impairing appetite
17 Pfennig, D. W.*; Harcombe, W. R.; Pfennig, K. S. Coral snake mimics are protected only when they occur with their model
17 DINKELACKER, S.A.; WILSON, T. P.; HOWARD, J. H. Spatial Ecology of Syntopic Bog (Clemmys muhlenbergii), Spotted (Clemmys guttata) and Snapping (Chelydra serpentina) Turtles in Maryland
17 Pedersen, S.P. The impact of volcanic eruptions on the bat populations of Montserrat, BWI.
17 Smallwood, P.D.*; Terzaghi, W.B.; Steele, M.A.; Carlson, J.E.; Mank, J.E Further investigations into the interactions between small vertebrates and oaks: An interdisciplinary approach
17 Judd, T.M.*; Herbers, J.M. The effects of moisture and time of year on the foraging preferences of the ant Pheidole ceres.
17 ILSE, L.M.*; HELLGREN, E.C. Porcupines, Pinyon Pines, and Pine Engravers: What’s the Connection?
18 Satterlie, R.A.*; Nolen, T.G. The Small Number of Swim Pacemakers in Cubomedusae May Promote Biphasic Modulation of Swimming Activity
18 COATES, M.M.*; THOMPSON, S.H. Vision in a cubozoan jellyfish.
18 EDWARDS, D.R.*; WOODIN, S.A. Should worms of a feather stink together? The effects of prey density and aggregation on predator deterrence
18 TROWBRIDGE, C.D.* ; HIRANO, Y.J. Marine specialist herbivores on high-diversity shores: Ecological notes of Japanese Ascoglossan (= Sacoglossan) Opisthobranchs.
18 Burnaford, J. L. The physiology of positive interactions: effects of shade and season on endogenous levels of hsp70 in field populations of the black chiton Katharina tunicata
19 POWELL, J.S.*; RAFFA, K.F. The effect of feeding specificity on the fate of terpenoids in Lymantriidae (Lepidoptera)
19 COWART, J.D. Palatability of Pteraster tesselatus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) Eggs
19 JOHNSEN,S. Protection or Concealment? Ultraviolet Absorption in Transparent Animals
19 KUFFNER, I.B. Effects of ultraviolet radiation and water motion on the reef coral Porites compressa: A transplantation experiment
19 VONESH, J. R. *; DE LA CRUZ, O. Modeling the effect of UV-B induced egg-stage mortality on the population dynamics of the Common Toad
19 EDBLOM, T.L.*; KARASOV, W.H. Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation Does Not Affect Hatching Success of Rana pipiens (Northern Leopard Frog) Eggs Under Natural Conditions Along a Contamination Gradient
2 FREUND, E.V.*; DEWAR, H.; CROLL, D.A. Locomotor Tracking of the Spine-tailed Devil Ray, Mobula japanica
2 Lauritzen, D.V.*; Hertel, F.; Gordon, M.S. Kinematics of Salmon Leaping Up Waterfalls
2 LIAO, J. Locomotion in needlefish: anguilliform swimming with fins
2 DRUCKER, E.G.*; LAUDER, G.V. Function of the teleost dorsal fin: experimental analysis of wake forces in sunfish
2 NAUEN, J.C.*; LAUDER, G.V. Small-scale flow around the finlets and caudal peduncle of free-swimming chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
20 Trapido-Rosenthal, H.G.*; Zengler, K.; Ritter, J.E. Multiple Species of Archaea, Cyanobacteria, and Eubacteria Live in Association with the Sponge Chondrilla nucula
20 Lickliter, C.L.*; Nishiguchi, M.K. Phylogenetic characterization of the genus Vibrio based on morphological and molecular data.
20 NISHIGUCHI, M.K.* Reverse physiological patterns between sepiolid squids and their luminous bacterial symbionts: Host specificity examined from down under.
20 OKAMURA, B.*; ANDERSON, C.L.; CANNING, E.U. An ancient clade of myxozoans parasitic in freshwater bryozoans
20 O’BRIEN, J.J.*; BOETTCHER, A.A.; BOONE, E.; SHERMAN, T.D. Chemical cues and vulnerable hosts: An investigation into factors affecting settlement of Loxothylacus texanus, a rhizocephalan barnacle parasitizing portunid crabs in the Gulf of Mexico
3 ROSENBERGER, L.* J.; WALKER, J. A.; COLLAR, D.; WESTNEAT, M. W. Effects of fin shape and fin motion on labriform swimming performance
3 Castro-Santos, T.*; Haro, A. Optimal sprint speeds of fish traversing velocity barriers: further thoughts on burst-swimming data.
3 SYME, D.A.*; SHADWICK, R.E. Mechanical Power Production by Internal Red Muscle at Different Longitudinal Body Positions in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Relation to Swimming
3 WESTNEAT, M.W.* Mechanical design for swimming in big fish: Locomotor function in tunas and relatives.
3 MOTANI, R. Using models of extant swimmers to infer aspects of locomotion in thunniform ichthyosaurs.
3 WILGA, C.D.*; LAUDER, G.V. Function of the heterocercal tail in sharks: quantitative wake dynamics during steady horizontal swimming and vertical maneuvering.
4 SCHOENFUSS, H.L.*; BLOB, R.W. Kinematics of vertical climbing in Hawaiian freshwater gobies
4 AZIZI, E.*; LANDBERG, T.; BRAINERD, E.L. Kinematics and Performance of the Escape Response in an Aquatic Salamander, Eurycea bislineata.
4 Nauwelaerts, S.*; Aerts, P. Gait patterns in frog locomotion: why use alternate-leg swimming?
4 PACE, C.M.*; BLOB, R.W.; WESTNEAT, M.W. Comparative kinematics of the forelimb during swimming in red-eared slider and spiny softshell turtles.
4 BLOB, R.W.*; PACE, C.M.; WESTNEAT, M.W. Testing functional correlates of habitat specialization: swimming and walking in spiny softshell and slider turtles.
5 MCFADDEN, C.S.*; TULLIS, I.; HUTCHINSON, M.B.; WINNER, K. Rates of Evolution of Cnidarian Mitochondrial Genes
5 Guralnick, R.P. Reconnecting cell and animal lineages: A synthetic approach to Spiralian evolution and development
5 BEGOVIC, E. Feeding Specialization and Diversification Patterns of Eastern Pacific Patellogastropoda
5 Stach, T.*; Turbeville, J. M. Reconstruction of tunicate phylogeny using molecular and morphological data
5 PASSAMANECK, Y.J.*; HALANYCH, K.M. Lophotrochozoan relationships inferred from 28S rDNA sequences
5 ANDERSON, F.E.*; FOSTER, P.G. Tests of ecdysozoan monophyly using molecular sequence data
6 CARTER, T.L.*; ERICKSON, L.B.; ELLIOTT, J.K. The influence of hybridization on anemonefish evolution
6 BRAINERD, E.L.*; MURRAY, S.S. Patterns of genome size evolution in tetraodontiform fishes
6 HILTON, E.J. Morphological Complexity and Simplicity of the Axial Skeleton of Teleostei
6 SMITH, W.L.; WEBB, J.F.* Phylogenetic Variation in the Morphology of the Laterophysic Connection in Butterflyfishes of the Genus Chaetodon
6 Boyle, H.J.*; Graham, J.B. Acquisition of Characters Facilitating Amphibious Behavior in the Oxudercine Fishes
7 VAGELLI, A.A. New observations on the asexual reproduction of Aurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) with comments on its daptative significance.
7 MCGOVERN, TM Sex ratio bias in the clonal brittle star Ophiactis savignyi
7 Maslakova, S. A.*; Martindale, M. Q.; Norenburg, J. L. Remains of the pilidium in direct developing nemerteans?
7 SCHWARTZ, M.L.; NORENBURG, J.L. Can We Infer Heteronemertean Phylogeny from Morphological Data?
7 FAUCHALD, K. Distribution of scales in polynoid scale-worms (Annelida, Polychaeta)
7 PADILLA, D.K.; DILGER, E.K.; DITTMANN, D.E. Phenotyic plasticity of feeding structures in species of Littorina
8 SCHWENK, K. Extrinsic vs. intrinsic lingual muscles: the amniote tongue as a functional unit.
8 HOGUE, A.S.*; RAVOSA, M.J. Mandibular Symphyseal Fusion in Mammals: A Test of Competing Hypotheses
8 MADERSON, P.F.A.*; ALIBARDI, L. Origin and evolution of mammalian integument
8 DAVIS, M.C.*; SHUBIN, N.H.; DAESCHLER, E.B. The evolution of the endochondral and dermal skeleton in fins and limbs
8 CHIU, C.-H. P.*; WAGNER, G. P.* Molecular Evolution Across the Fin-Limb Transition
9 MONTOOTH, K.L.*; CLARK, A.G.; MARDEN, J.H. Physiological genetics of flight performance in Drosophila melanogaster.
9 COOKE SCHREIBER, S.M.*; JURY, S.; WATSON, W.H. Seasonal differences in behavioral thermoregulation in the lobster, Homarus americanus.
9 NICHOLSON, G.S.*; JAMISON, M.; KELLEY, K.M. Insulin-Regulated Glucose Transport in Muscle of the Goby, Gillichthys mirabilis
9 POWELL, M.L.*; WATTS, S.A. Survivor: The Energetics of Crayfish in Burrows
9 Odell, J.P.*; Chappell, M.A. Variation in aerobic capacity within and among “common-garden” populations of Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from different predation regimes.
9 Wilmhoff, C. D.*; McClain, W. R.; Gutzke, W. H. N. The Effect of Temperature and Stage of Development on Resting Metabolism in an Aquatic Environment
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