Symposium 9

Complementary to S7: The Integrative Biology of Pigment Organelles Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Florent Figon Session Author(s) Title 9 Weir, SE*; Lord, NP Pigment identification and quantification in the jewel beetles (Buprestidae: Stigmoderini) 9 Davis, AL*; Thomas, KN; Goetz, FE; Robison, BH; Johnsen, S; Osborn, KJ Hiding in the deep: ultra-black camouflage in fishes […]

Symposium 89

Plasticity, Epigenetics, Stress, and Novelty Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Eric Gangloff Session Author(s) Title 89 Barts, N*; Nieves, N; Trojan, S; Arias-Rodriguez, L; Kelley, J; Tobler, M The role of plasticity in facilitating colonization of novel environments 89 Love, A C; Wagner, G P* The creative role(s) of stress in evolution: from co-option to […]

Symposium 88

Physiology of Immunity and Reproduction Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Charles “Matt” Watson Session Author(s) Title 88 Bryla, A*; Zagkle, E; Sadowska, ET; Cichon, M; Bauchinger, U Body temperature as indicator and driver for costs associated with avian humoral immune response 88 Figueiredo, AC*; Titon, SCM; Titon, BJ; Vasconcelos-Teixeira, R; Barsotti, AMG; Gomes, FR Systemic […]

Symposium 87

Phylogenetics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Jesus Ballesteros Session Author(s) Title 87 Baker, CM*; Buckman-Young, RS; Giribet, G It’s the cute ones you have to watch out for: phylotranscriptomic analysis of velvet worms (phylum Onychophora) and the continued recalcitrance of Peripatidae 87 Field, DJ*; Benito, J; Chen, A; Jagt, J; Ksepka, DT The oldest modern […]

Symposium 86

Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Ventilation Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Jon Harrison Session Author(s) Title 86 Leiblich, A; Heyduk, K*; Edwards, E Leaf anatomical evolution in three origins of CAM photosynthesis 86 Williams, SD*; Patterson, MR Time scales of mixing in an imperforate scleractinian coelenteron 86 Harrison, JF*; Wagner, JM; Aivazian, V; Duell, ME; Klok, CJ; […]

Symposium 85

Phenotypic Plasticity Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Kate Augustine Session Author(s) Title 85 Augustine, KE*; Cubillos, CA; Roberts, HE; Sinclair, BJ; Buckley, TR Evolution and plasticity of thermal performance in 12 New Zealand stick insect species (Phasmatodea) 85 Romanovich, LA*; Rade, RG; Fetcher, N; Voltzow, J Symbiosis in the time of climate change: Bleaching of […]

Symposium 84

Parental Care Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Ivana Schoepf Session Author(s) Title 84 Bloch, I*; Troupin , D; Sapir, N Do females work harder? Sexual differences in parental care in the Little swift (Apus affinis), a monomorphic species 84 Lane, SJ*; Brewer, VB; VanDiest, IJ; Linkous, CR; Mabry, KE; Sewall, KB Maternal care increases with […]

Symposium 83

Osmoregulation Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Michelle Monette Session Author(s) Title 83 Monette, MY*; Velotta, JP Gill transcriptomic response to seawater is altered by acute stress in Atlantic salmon smolts 83 Root, L*; Cnaani, A; Campo, A; MacNiven, L; Kültz, D A data-independent acquisition (DIA) assay library for quantitation of environmental effects on the kidney […]

Symposium 82

Neuroethology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Andrew Gordus Session Author(s) Title 82 Lattin, CR*; Johnson, KM; Kelly, TR Constitutive gene expression differs in three brain regions important for cognition in neophobic and non-neophobic house sparrows (Passer domesticus) 82 Yamaguchi, A*; Peltier, M Conserved neural circuitry for frog vocalizations 82 Kimball, MG*; Kelly, TR; Stansberry, KR; […]

Symposium 81

Neuroanatomy and Neurobiology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Emily Peele Session Author(s) Title 81 Virdi, S*; Sane, S P Morphology and neuroanatomy of the femoral chordotonal organ in the Oleander hawkmoth, Daphnis nerii 81 Martin, M*; Iwaniuk, AN; Logue, D Intraspecific variation in the avian sensory system and an assessment of minimal sample size for […]

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