Symposium S6-2

Evolutionary and Functional Genomics of Sperm, Sperm Storage and Fertilization Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 1:00-3:00 pm Room: 105AB Organizer(s): Tim Karr & Scott Pitnick Symposium Author(s) Title S6-2 WOLFNER, M.F.*; RAVI RAM, K.; MUELLER, J.M.; WONG, A.; MCGRAW, L.A.; ALBRIGHT, S.N.; SIROT, L.K.; PAGE, J.L. Functions of seminal proteins in reproductive interactions between the sexes […]

Symposium S6-1

Evolutionary and Functional Genomics of Sperm, Sperm Storage and Fertilization Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 105AB Organizer(s): Tim Karr & Scott Pitnick Symposium Author(s) Title S6-1 KARR, T*; DORUS, S; GERIKE, U A sperm’s eye view of evolution S6-1 DORUS, S Expansion of sperm gene families in D. melanogaster S6-1 LAWNICZAK, Mara*; BEGUN, […]

Symposium S5

Key Transitions in Animal Evolution Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 104AB Organizer(s): Bernd Schierwater, Stephen Dellaporta & R. DeSalle Symposium Author(s) Title S5 BOERO, Ferdinando*; SCHIERWATER, Bernd; PIRAINO, Stefano Cnidarian milestones in metazoan evolution S5 LIU, Yu; STEENKAMP, Emma; DARMON, Daniel; BURGER, Gertraud; LANG, B. Franz* The evolutionary transition from protists to Metazoa: […]

Symposium S4-2

Ecology and Evolution of Disease Dynamics Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 1:30-3:00 pm Room: 101C Organizer(s): Yang Kuang, James Elser, John Nagy, Timothy Newman & Val Smith Symposium Author(s) Title S4-2 ZHANG, P.; SANDLAND, G.; FENG, Z.*; XU, D.; MINCHELLA, D. Evolutionary implications for interactions between multiple strains of hosts and parasites S4-2 TRIDANE, A*; HADELER, […]

Symposium S4-1

Ecology and Evolution of Disease Dynamics Day: Friday, Jan. 5, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 101C Organizer(s): Yang Kuang, James Elser, John Nagy, Timothy Newman & Val Smith Symposium Author(s) Title S4-1 SMITH, M.S.*; NIU, Y.; YANG, R.K.; TEFERA, P.; KELLY, J.K. Within-host evolution of non-pathogenic SHIV: positive selection of virus protein motifs coincides with CD4 loss. […]

Symposium S3-2

Integrative Biology of Pelagic Invertebrates Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 1:00-3:00 pm Room: 105AB Organizer(s): Alison Sweeney & Sonke Johnson Symposium Author(s) Title S3-2 DYMOWSKA, A.K.*; SEIBEL, B.A. Living in cold. Temperature compensation in pteropod mollusk, Clione antarctica. S3-2 GOLDTHWAIT, S.*; STEINBERG, D.; MCGILLICUDDY, D. Elevated Zooplankton Biomass in Mid-Ocean Eddies S3-2 MADIN, Larry Pelagic Tunicates […]

Symposium S3-1

Integrative Biology of Pelagic Invertebrates Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 105AB Organizer(s): Alison Sweeney & Sonke Johnson Symposium Author(s) Title S3-1 JOHNSEN, S Visual Ecology on the high seas S3-1 SWEENEY, A*; JOHNSEN, S Evolution of High-Acuity Vision in Coleoid Cephalopods S3-1 BROWNE, W.E. Pelagic Amphipods: Hyperiids, Hypertrophies, and Homoplasies on the High […]

Symposium S2-2

Linking Genes and Morphology in Vertebrates Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 1:00-3:00 pm Room: 103B Organizer(s): Frietson Galis & David Carrier Symposium Author(s) Title S2-2 FREITAS, R; ZHANG, G; COHN, MJ* The Origin of Vertebrate Fin Development S2-2 PASCOAL, Susana*; CARVALHO, Cla�dia; RODRIGUEZ-LE�N, Joaqu�n; DELPHINI, Marie Claire ; DUPREZ, Delphine; THORSTEINSD�TTIR, S�lveig ; PALMEIRIM, Isabel A […]

Symposium S2-1

Linking Genes and Morphology in Vertebrates Day: Thursday, Jan. 4, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 103B Organizer(s): Frietson Galis & David Carrier Symposium Author(s) Title S2-1 KURATANI, Shigeru Craniofacial evolution from a developmental perspective S2-1 ABZHANOV, Arhat Pecking at the origin of avian morphological variation S2-1 HELMS, J.A.*; BRUGMANN, S.; ALLEN, N.; YOUNG, N.M. Unraveling the basis […]

Symposium S10

Frontiers in Learning and Teaching Integrative and Comparative Biology: The SICB Digital Library Day: Sunday, Jan. 7, 8:00 am-Noon Room: 104AB Organizer(s): M.Patricia Morse & Sara Hiebert Symposium Author(s) Title S10 MORSE, M/P Vision of the SICB Digital Library S10 HIEBERT, S.M. Why you need the SICB Digital Library: its place in current pedagogy S10 […]

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