Symposium P1-10

Symposium P1 Morphology: Feeding, intake and digestion Day: Jan. 5/6 (Sun/Mon) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P1.96 HUNT, J.A.; FARRAR, E.S. Phenotypic plasticity of the digestive system in Bufo americanus and Xenopus laevis in response to diet P1.97 STEIN, R.W.; WILLIAMS, T.D.* Age-related variation in small intestine size in the Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri): […]

Symposium P1-1

Symposium P1 Development: Morphology and metamorphosis Day: Jan. 5/6 (Sun/Mon) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P1.1 KALTENBACH, J.C.; FASZEWSKI, E.E. Glycoconjugates in larval and adult skin of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana P1.2 VINOGRADOV , A.A.; ANDREEVA , I.V.; BOYARCHUK , E.D.; SAMCHUK , V.A.; VINOGRADOV , O.A.; RUDENKO , E.F. Morphological basis of the […]

Symposium MS4

Symposium MS4 (Morning)Minisymposium: Alexander Kowalevsky Medal Winners Symposium Day: Jan. 8 (Wed) Room: Grand Ballroom Centre Symposium Chair(s): Eduardo Rosa-Molinar # Author(s) Title MS4.1 GILBERT, S. F.; MIKHAILOV, A. T. THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT of the A. O. KOWALEVSKY MEDAL MS4.2 FREEMAN, G. The Evolutionary Significance of Early Development MS4.3 NIELSEN, C. Trochophora larvae and animal phylogeny […]

Symposium MS3

Symposium MS3 (Afternoon1)Minisymposium: Fish Evolution Day: Jan. 7 (Tue) Room: Conference B/C Symposium Chair(s): G. Yzabeta # Author(s) Title MS3.1 YBAZETA, Gustavo; BAKER, Allan J. Molecular biogeography of galaxiid fishes deduced using a Bayesian approach and a semi-parametric molecular clock MS3.2 SANTINI, F. The importance of highly incomplete fossil taxa in reconstructing phylogenetic relationships for […]

Symposium MS2

Symposium MS2 (Morning1)Minisymposium: Phenotypic Plasticity Growth and energetics Day: Jan. 7 (Tue) Room: Dominion South Symposium Chair(s): E. Eng, J. Hatle # Author(s) Title MS2.1 NOREN, D.P. Differential Energy Reserve Utilization During the Postweaning Fast of Northern Elephant Seals: Implications for the First Year of Life MS2.2 ENG, E.W.*; FILOSA, M.F.; AMEMIYA, Y.; COCHRAN, P.; […]

Symposium MS1

Symposium MS1 (Morning1)Minisymposium: Vision Vision I Day: Jan. 7 (Tue) Room: Civic South Symposium Chair(s): J. Sprayberry, A. Briscoe # Author(s) Title MS1.1 KAJIURA, S.M.; FORNI, J.B.; SUMMERS, A.P. Vision and Olfaction in Carcharhinid and Sphyrnid Sharks MS1.2 CARLETON, K L *; SPADY, T C; KOCHER, T D Visual sensitivities of cichlid fishes: Using DNA […]

Symposium Firefly Workshop

Symposium Firefly Workshop 20:00-21:15 Day: Jan. 5 (Sun) Room: Civic North # Author(s) Title FW.1 FAUST, L. Fireflies as a Catalyst for Science Education FW.2 DOALL, M.; CARLSON, A.D. Talking to fireflies: Recruiting the next generation of firefly biologists

Session 9

Evolution Character development Day: Jan. 5 (Sun) Room: Civic South Organizer(s): C. C. Babbitt, T. G. Stach Session Author(s) Title 9.1 DEMAINTENON, MJ Evolution of small body size in columbellid gastropods (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda). 9.3 ALFARO, M/E; WAINWRIGHT, P/C A simulation study of the relationship between morphological and functional diversity in fish jaws 9.4 BERDNIKOVS, Sergejs […]

Symposium 8

Evolution Phylogenetic analysis Day: Jan. 5 (Sun) Room: Civic South Organizer(s): C. C. Babbitt, T. G. Stach Session Author(s) Title 8.1 NICHOLS, Scott A. What molecules can do that morphology cannot: Sponge systematics. 8.2 BABBITT, C.C.; PATEL, N.H. Phylogenetic relationships within the Malacostraca (Crustacea) based on 18S and 28S rDNA sequences 8.3 ARONOWSKY, Audrey Evolution […]

Session 7

Evolution Microevolution 2 Day: Jan. 5 (Sun) Room: Civic South Organizer(s): M. W. Hart, R. M. Strange Session Author(s) Title 7.1 WOURMS, J.P.*; KRUEGER, D. Gycogen in Gut-Based Embryonic Nutrition of Ataeniobius toweri, A Viviparous Goodeid Fish with Rudimentary Trophotaeniae. 7.2 STRANGE, Rex Historical Biogeography of the Stripetail Darter, Etheostoma kennicotti (Osteichthyes: Percidae), and the […]

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