Symposium P2-7

Symposium P2 Ecology and Behavior: Predation and predator avoidance Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.32 SEMENIUK, C.A.D.*; DILL, L.M.D. Costs and benefits of grouped and solitary resting in the cowtail stingray, Pastinachus sephen, in Shark Bay, Western Australia P2.33 HAZARD, L.C.*; SINERVO, B.; MILLER, J. Physiological performance and predator avoidance […]

Symposium P2-6

Symposium P2 Ecology and Behavior: Population and community ecology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.25 GRAY, A.C.*; KLINGER, T. Does limpet grazing restrict the abundance of Fucus on oyster shells? P2.27 CHRISTENSEN, A.B. *; DEAN, D.K. Population structure in a fissiparous ophiactid brittlestar possessing hemoglobin P2.28 FERRELL, DAVID/L Clonal diversity […]

Symposium P2-5

Symposium P2 Ecology and Behavior: Coral reef biology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.20 WALTERS, LJ; BEACH, KS; WICK, LA; BORGEAS, HB Coral Reef Community Ecology: Interactions Between the Brown Alga Dictyota and Fishes, Macroalgae and Invertebrates in the Florida Keys P2.21 LEWIS, C.L.*; COFFROTH, M.A. Changing horses in mid […]

Symposium P2-4

Symposium P2 Ecology and Behavior: Conservation biology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.17 HARMS, H. K.; PAITZ, R. T.; JANZEN, F. J. From microsatellites to satellites: A multifaceted look at Blanding�s turtles in Iowa P2.18 GIENGER, C.M.*; TRACY, C. RICHARD Modeling monster habitat: Using GIS to predict Heloderma suspectum P2.19 […]

Symposium P2-3

Symposium P2 Evo- Devo: Ich’s and herp’s Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.9 FINKLER, M.S. Variation in soil water content influences the size of laboratory-reared Chelydra serpentina hatchlings from eggs incubated in natural nest soil. P2.10 GONZALEZ, J/E; JANZEN, F/J Inheritance of Nest-Site Choice in the Field in a Turtle […]

Symposium P2-2

Symposium P2 Development: Photoresponse in marine invertebrates/theory and practice Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.5 STROTHER, J. A.; MCHENRY, M. J. How do marine invertebrate larvae orient to light? A numerical simulation of phototaxis in ascidian larvae. P2.6 PORTER, S.S.; ECKERT, G.; BYRON, C.; FISHER, J. A comparison of light […]

Symposium P2-19

Symposium P2 Regulatory Biology: Environmental and stress endocrinology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.125 BURTON, M.M.*; HOPKINS, P.M. Ecdysteroid Control of the Molt Cycle in the Fiddler Crab, Uca pugilator P2.126 ALLEN, M.A *; CHANG, E.S; MYKLES, D.L. Regulation of Ecdysteroid Secretion in Land Crab Y-Organs P2.127 WAGNER, C.A.; LI, […]

Symposium P2-18

Symposium P2 Physiology: Thermobiology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.115 DINKELACKER, SA; COSTANZO, JP; LEE, RE Cold Hardiness and Desiccation Resistance in Hatchling Emydoidea blandingii P2.116 COSTANZO, J.P.; BAKER, P.J.; DINKELACKER, S.A.; LEE, R.E. Endogenous and exogenous ice-nucleating agents constrain supercooling in the hatchling painted turtlele P2.117 SHREVE, S.M.*; YI, […]

Symposium P2-17

Symposium P2 Physiology: Respiration, metabolism, digestion and energetics Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.105 RAUER, E.M.; FELDMAN, R.A.; JACKSON, D.C. Avenues of Aquatic Oxygen Uptake in Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta belli) at 10�C P2.106 GANNON, A. T.*; GREENAWAY, P.; HENRY, R. P. Relative importance of oxygen and carbon dioxide to […]

Symposium P2-16

Symposium P2 Physiology: Reproductive physiology Day: Jan. 7/8 (Tue/Wed) Room: Sheraton Hall # Author(s) Title P2.95 NOWOSLAWSKI, L,; MURDOCK, C.A.; WIBBELS, T.* PCR-based strategy for cloning and development of a quantitative competitive RT-PCR for SOX9 in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination. P2.96 KNUTZEN, Melissa S; JANZEN, Fred Janzen; MULLINS, Michael Initial investigation into the […]

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