Session 104

Comparative Endocrinology Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:00 Room: Rooms 201-202 Organizer(s): Stefanny Titon, Nick Holloway Session Author(s) Title 104 TITON, SCM*; TITON JR, B; TEIXEIRA, RV; LIMA, AS; GARCIA NETO, PG; FERREIRA, LF; ASSIS, VR; GOMES, FR; MARKUS, RP Immune and hormonal circadian rhythms in captive bred Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) 104 HUNT, KE*; BUCK, CL; […]

Session 103

Sensing and Navigation Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15 Room: Room 205 Organizer(s): Jeff Riffell, Tanvi Deora Session Author(s) Title 103 JOHNSON, TL*; DEFINO, NJ; RAUSCHER, MJ; HECKSCHER, ES; FOX, JL Interneurons for Mechanosensory Processing in Adult Drosophila 103 SPRAYBERRY, JDH Compounds without borders: a novel paradigm for quantifying complex odors and responses to scent-pollution in […]

Session 102

Ecophysiology of Diet Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15 Room: Rooms 303-304 Organizer(s): Beck Wehrle Session Author(s) Title 102 YANG, ZY; EASY, RH*; AVERY, TA Identification and quantification of Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar, Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus, Cod Gadus morhua, and Capelin Mallotus villosus in Striped Bass diets in Labrador 102 LITTLER, A*; GARCIA, M; TEETS, […]

Session 101

Two to tango: Host-parasite interactions Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30 Room: Rooms 301-302 Organizer(s): Susan Balenger, Christian Cox Session Author(s) Title 101 BALENGER, SL*; SIKKINK, K; ZUK, M; BAILEY, NW Fitness consequences and immunogenetic strategies against a novel parasitoid in a field cricket 101 CONRAD, H*; WITTMAN, T; POLLOCK, N; JOHN-ALDER, H Tolerance of ectoparasitism […]

Session 100

Physiology Through the Seasons Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30 Room: Lone Star G Organizer(s): David Swanson, Kevin Roberts Session Author(s) Title 100 ROBERTS, KT*; WILLIAMS, CM A gradual release of metabolic suppression during diapause termination in a montane insect 100 MELICHER, DM*; YOCUM, GD; RINEHART, RP Transcriptomic response to long-term storage under a fluctuting thermal […]

Session 10

DPCB Best Student Paper: Wake Award Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-10:00 Room: Rooms 402-403 Organizer(s): Todd Oakley Session Author(s) Title 10 BAKER, CM*; BOYER, SL; GIRIBET, G Phylogenomics and Biogeography of the Gondwanan Vicariant Harvestman Family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones) 10 CORN, KA*; MARTINEZ, CM; BURRESS, ED; WAINWRIGHT, PC High rates of evolution of cranial mobility […]

Session 1

Neuroanatomy & Neurobiology Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-09:30 Room: Lone Star A Organizer(s): Ross DeAngelis Session Author(s) Title 1 MCDONALD, MS*; COHEN, JH; PORTER, ML Evidence for Ultraviolet Vision in Larval Stomatopod Crustaceans 1 YOUNG, BA CSF flow dynamics in Alligator mississippiensis: The role of the myodural bridge 1 TOVAR, RU*; GIGNAC, PM The Comparative […]

S9 – Applied Functional Biology linking ecological morphology to conservation and management

SICB Annual Meeting 2020January 3-7, 2020 Austin, TX Symposium S9: Applied Functional Biology: linking ecological morphology to conservation and management The goal of the symposium is to reveal how basic science can inform other disciplines whose goals are more practical or applied. A substantial (and growing) number of researchers, particularly those who attend the Society […]

S8 – Long Limbless Locomotors The mechanics and biology of elongate, limbless vertebrate locomotion

SICB Annual Meeting 2020January 3-7, 2020 Austin, TX Symposium S8: Long Limbless Locomotors Over Land: The mechanics and biology of elongate, limbless vertebrate locomotion Sponsors: SICB Co-Sponsoring Divisions DCB, DVM, DNNSB, and DAB. Generously funded by:    Organizer Henry Astley Speakers S8-1 Monday, Jan. 6, 07:45 ASTLEY, H. C.; C, : Symposium Introduction – Long Limbless Locomotors Over […]

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