Session 140

Comparative Genomics, Proteomics, Cell Type Evolution Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:30 Room: Brazos Organizer(s): Jason Macrander, Leslie Babonis Session Author(s) Title 140 TARASHANSKY, AJ; LI, P; XUE, Y; QUAKE, SR; WANG, B* Cross-species mapping of cell type atlases identifies conservation and divergence in planarian and parasitic flatworms 140 BABONIS, LS*; RYAN, JF; MARTINDALE, MQ Things […]

Session 14

DCB Best Student Paper: Mimi A.R. Koehl and Steven Wainwright Award Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 10:00-11:45 Room: Lone Star E Organizer(s): Stacey Combes Session Author(s) Title 14 MANAFZADEH, AR*; KAMBIC, RE; GATESY, SM How informative is joint mobility? A 3-D analysis of potential versus realized joint poses in archosaurs 14 CRANE, RL*; DENNY, MW Resistance […]

Session 139

On Not-So-Solid Ground Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:15 Room: Rooms 203-204 Organizer(s): Brian Chang Session Author(s) Title 139 CLIFTON, GT*; HOLWAY, D; GRAVISH, N The influence of uneven terrain and vision on ant walking 139 SOTO, D*; GOLDMAN, DI Improving performance of a legged robot on bumpy ground via gentle tail taps 139 MANTILLA, DC*; […]

Session 138

Courtship Communication Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:30 Room: Rooms 201-202 Organizer(s): Rosalyn Putland Session Author(s) Title 138 COOMES, CM*; DERRYBERRY, EP It’s too darn hot: Effects of ambient temperature on singing behavior in male song birds 138 ECHEVERRI, SA*; ZUREK, DB; MOREHOUSE, NI Male Habronattus pyrrithrix Jumping Spiders Adjust Their Attention-Grabbing Courtship Display Based on […]

Session 137

Complementary to S9: Applied Functional Biology: Linking Ecological Morphology to Conservation and Management Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:00 Room: Rooms 303-304 Organizer(s): Donald Miles, Diego Sustaita Session Author(s) Title 137 SUSTAITA, D*; FARABAUGH, S/M; BARTHMAN-THOMPSON, L Why morphology matters for management: the role of organismal form and function in wildlife conservation and management 137 CORBIN, […]

Session 136

Mechanisms of Development Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:15 Room: Lone Star H Organizer(s): Diego Biston Vaz Session Author(s) Title 136 HU, Y*; HARPER, M; DONAHUE, J; ACOSTA, B; MCMENAMIN, S Thyroid Hormone Mediates Proximal-Distal Patterning in Zebrafish Fin Skeleton 136 VAZ, D/F*; HILTON, E/J When Five Means Four (and Something Else): Ontogeny of the Pectoral […]

Session 135

Playing with Shape: Plasticity Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:15 Room: Lone Star G Organizer(s): Craig Albertson Session Author(s) Title 135 AKIN, DR*; GEHEBER, AD Morphological divergence of a stream fish in altered flow: teasing apart the influences of natural selection and plastic response on body shape 135 CLIFTON, IT*; CHAMBERLAIN, JD; GIFFORD, ME The Role […]

Session 134

Biological Velcro Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:00 Room: Lone Star F Organizer(s): David Labonte, Adam Summers Session Author(s) Title 134 DIAZ, C*; TANIKAWA, A; LONG, JH Some Spider Glue is Super: Modeling the Fast Spreading Bioadhesive That Defeats the Scale Shedding Defense of Moths 134 MATHERNE, M*; HOWINGTON, O; LENAGHAN, O; HU, D.L The Effect […]

Session 133

Muscle Physiology and Function Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:15 Room: Lone Star C Organizer(s): Andrea Rummel, David Williams Session Author(s) Title 133 LEVENDOSKY, MW*; LANIER, M; BEDORE, CN Effect of Anesthesia Immersion on the Coral Catshark, Atelomycterus marmoratus 133 TUNE, TC*; MA, W; IRVING, T; SPONBERG, S X-Ray Diffraction of Synchronous Flight Muscle Reveals Thick […]

Session 132

Paddles, Fins and Schools: Variety in Swimming Tools Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 13:30-15:30 Room: Lone Star B Organizer(s): James Townsend, Arvind Santhanakrishnan Session Author(s) Title 132 TOWNSEND, JP*; GEMMEL, BJ; SUTHERLAND, KR; COLIN, SP; COSTELLO, JH Ink release and swimming behavior in an oceanic ctenophore, Eurhamphaea vexilligera Gegenbaur, 1856 132 DANIELS, J*; OSBORN, K; AOKI, […]

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