Session 87

(Don’t) Trip, Stumble and Fall Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:00-12:00 Room: Lone Star F Organizer(s): Cinammon Pace Session Author(s) Title 87 VAZQUEZ, S; PHAN, A; JOSEPH, M; PACE, CM* The aerial righting ability of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys. 87 SU, GT*; DUDLEY, R; PAN, TY; ZHENG, MZ; PENG, LS; LI, QS Maximum […]

Session 86

Chchchchanging Climate, Part II Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-12:00 Room: Lone Star E Organizer(s): Sara ElShafie Session Author(s) Title 86 RAHMAN, MS*; RAHMAN, MS Effects of Heat Exposure on Antioxidant Expression and Redox Status in the American Oyster: A Laboratory Study 86 MIKUCKI, E*; BUCHANAN, J; JULICK, C; MONTOOTH, K; LOCKWOOD, B The Effects of […]

Session 85

Chew on This Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:15-11:45 Room: Lone Star C Organizer(s): Francois Gould, Nicolai Konow Session Author(s) Title 85 KONOW, N*; PANESSITI, C; SCHWARZ, D; BOUVIER, C; MARBELT-RODRIGUEZ, C; HEISS, E; ROSS, CF; RULL, M Food processing across the fish-tetrapod split 85 LOMAX, JJ*; BRAINERD, EL Comparative Skeletal Kinematics of Overbite-Shearing and Compressive […]

Session 84

Awesome Adaptations Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:15-11:45 Room: Lone Star B Organizer(s): Anthony Lapsansky, Dana Orbach Session Author(s) Title 84 SOMBKE, A*; MUELLER, CHG Evolutionary transformations of centipede ultimate legs 84 WELLER, HI*; LóPEZ-FERNáNDEZ, H; MCMAHAN, CD; BRAINERD, EL The spandrels of Satan’s perches: evidence for the co-optation of feeding traits in the convergent evolution […]

Session 83

Complementary to S4: Reproduction: the Female Perspective From an Integrative and Comparative Framework, Part I Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:15-11:45 Room: Lone Star A Organizer(s): Nicole Danos, Daniel J. Stadtmauer Session Author(s) Title 83 BILOTTA, F*; LEE, M; DANOS, N Pregnancy-induced changes to muscle-tendon morphology and function 83 ANDREASEN, VA*; YAP, KN; YAMADA, K; WILLIAMS, […]

Session 82

Bio-“Physical Fascination”-Biophysical Environment, Part I Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-10:00 Room: Rooms 402-403 Organizer(s): Micheal Sears Session Author(s) Title 82 HOWEY, CAF Thermoregulation and Foraging Behavior of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in a Disturbed Landscape 82 STEELE CABRERA, S*; HUNT, TS; HADDAD, NM; LUCKY, A; DANIELS, JC Measuring the Outcome of Reintroduction Efforts for an […]

Session 81

Where Do We Go From Here? Biogeography Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45 Room: Rooms 203-204 Organizer(s): Daniel Spence Session Author(s) Title 81 DAVID, K T*; FAN, Z; HALANYCH, C N; HALANYCH, K M Are Two Genomes Better Than One? Ploidy Correlates Species’ Distributions in South American Frogs 81 COSTA, D.P*; HUCKSTADT, L.A Incorporating the movement […]

Session 80

S.T.R.E.S.S. 1 Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45 Room: Rooms 201-202 Organizer(s): Sarah Guindre-Parker, Mike Butler Session Author(s) Title 80 LATTIN, CR*; KELLY, TR Method matters: Considerations for calculating glucocorticoid negative feedback 80 HODINKA, BL*; ASHLEY, NT Effect of sleep loss on executive function and baseline corticosterone levels in an arctic-breeding songbird, the Lapland longspur (Calcarius […]

Session 8

Microbiome: Living with Multitudes Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-10:00 Room: Room 205 Organizer(s): Gregory Demas, Sarah Gardner Session Author(s) Title 8 MRUZEK, JL*; DIMOS, B; MACKNIGHT, N; KATHRYN, C; BRANDT, M; MYDLARZ, LD Linking Disease Resistance in Coral to its Ability to Maintain a Complex Microbiome 8 SCOTT-ELLISTON, A*; WARNE, R Modulation of the gut […]

Session 79

Parental Care & Reproduction Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 08:00-09:45 Room: Room 205 Organizer(s): Rayna Harris Session Author(s) Title 79 HARRIS, RM*; AUSTIN, SH; LANGCALISI, A; MACMANES, M; CALISI, RM Peaks and valleys of prolactin-related gene expression during the pigeon parental care stage 79 ALONGE, MM*; DANIELS, DT; SCHOBEL, T; BENTLEY, GE Flexible Expression of Sickness […]

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