Complementary to S5: Form, Structure and Function: How Plants vs. Animals Solve Physical Problems Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30 Room: Lone Star B Organizer(s): James C Liao, Saad Bhamla Session Author(s) Title 96 MATTHEWS, M*; CROWLEY, CJ; AIELLO, BR; SIKANDAR, UB; SPONBERG, S The Answer is Blowing in the Wind: Flower Wake Downwash Can Reduce […]
Archives: Meetings
Session 95
Complementary to S4: Reproduction: the Female Perspective from an Integrative and Comparative Framework, Part II Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30 Room: Lone Star A Organizer(s): Ned J. Place, Kristen J. Navara Session Author(s) Title 95 PLAKKE, MS*; MESLIN, C; ARIKAWA, K; CLARK, NL; MOREHOUSE, NI A recent, lineage-specific, co-option event within the female reproductive tract […]
Session 94
Bio-“Physical Fascination”-Biophysical Environment, Part II Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-11:30 Room: Rooms 402-403 Organizer(s): George Bakken Session Author(s) Title 94 TILMAN, FE; BAKKEN, GS*; O’KEEFE, JM Assessing the Thermal Quality of Artificial Roosts for Conservation of Gregarious Bat Species 94 BUSBY, MK*; DAVIDOWITZ, G; BRONSTEIN, JL Thermolimit Respirometry Determines Relative CTmax Among Carpenter Bee Life […]
Session 93
Migration and Navigation Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-12:00 Room: Rooms 203-204 Organizer(s): Jessica Malisch Session Author(s) Title 93 TAYLOR, LD*; FINNEGAN, S; O’DEA, A; BRALOWER, TJ Isotopic Analysis of Fossil Coronulid Barnacles as a Means of Understanding Prehistoric Whale Migration 93 MALISCH, J/L*; HAHN, T/P; BREUNER, C/W; MALISCH, Jes Should I Stay Or Should I […]
Session 92
S.T.R.E.S.S. 2 Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:15-11:45 Room: Rooms 201-202 Organizer(s): Mauren Vitousek, Blake Jones Session Author(s) Title 92 ENSMINGER, DC*; PRITCHARD, C; GINGERY, T; LANGKILDE, T The influence of hunting pressure and ecological factors on fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in wild elk 92 KIMBALL, MG*; GRANT, AR; CHRISLER, A; JOHNSON, E; MALISCH, JL Acute Stress […]
Session 91
Sensory Basis of Organismal Interactions Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:15-12:00 Room: Room 205 Organizer(s): Rulon Clark Session Author(s) Title 91 JIAO, Y*; COLVERT, B; MAN, Y; MCHENRY, M; KANSO, E Evaluating Evasion Strategies in Zebrafish Larvae 91 WOOD, T/C*; MOORE, P/A Chemical Landscapes of Fear: Crayfish can Determine the Degree of Predatory Threat by Olfaction […]
Session 90
Complementary to S10: Melding Modeling and Morphology: Integrating Approaches to Understand the Evolution of Form and Function, Part II Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-12:00 Room: Rooms 303-304 Organizer(s): Stacy Farina, Micheal Granatosky Session Author(s) Title 90 GRANATOSKY, MC*; LAURENCE-CHASEN, JD; GARTNER, SM; WHITLOW, KR; WESTNEAT, MW; NYAKATURA, JA An XROMM and kinetic analysis of underwater […]
Session 9
Movement in Space Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-09:45 Room: Rooms 201-202 Organizer(s): Marc Badger Session Author(s) Title 9 BADGER, MA*; PERKES, AD; PFROMMER, BG; WANG, Y; MODH, A; DANIILIDIS, K; SCHMIDT, MF From moments to months: Multi-timescale tracking and analysis of songbird social interactions in a smart aviary 9 KENNEDY, J.R*; MAHADEVAN, L; NAGPAL, R […]
Session 89
Host-pathogen Interactions Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:45-12:00 Room: Rooms 301-302 Organizer(s): Karie Altman, Amberleigh Henschen Session Author(s) Title 89 RICHARDSON, C.S*; LOONEY, C.; INESON, K.; FLETCHER, J.; SILLAH, A.; EISEMAN, H. Understanding the Role of Intrinsic Physiological Factors in the Population Recovery of Myotis lucifugus (little brown myotis) from White-nose Syndrome 89 BILLAH, MM*; RAHMAN, […]
Session 88
Morphology of the Senses Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 10:30-12:00 Room: Lone Star G Organizer(s): Kelsi Rutledge, Katie Thomas Session Author(s) Title 88 UHRHAN, MJ*; FABIAN, JM; SIWANOWICZ, I; LIN, HT Mechanosensors on Dragonfly Wings for sensing Aeroelasticity 88 MIKEL-STITES, MR*; STAPLES, AE; MAREK, P Hearing Better When Lopsided: Tympanal Asymmetry May Enhance Hearing in the […]