Poster Symposium 3 Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 15:30-17:30 Room: Grand Ballroom Symposium Author(s) Title P3 SALAZAR-NICHOLLS, MJ*; MACIAS, H; WARKENTIN, KM Ontogeny and extent of hatching enzyme accumulation in red-eyed treefrog embryos P3 UJHEGYI, N*; BÓKONY, V Skin Coloration as a Possible Non-Invasive Marker for Skewed Sex Ratios and Gonadal Abnormalities in Immature Common Toads […]
Archives: Meetings
Symposium P2
Poster Symposium 2 Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 15:30-17:30 Room: Grand Ballroom Symposium Author(s) Title P2 SIDEBOTTOM, RB*; MARTIN, GG Is That a Basal Lamina Lining the Open Circulatory System of a Shrimp? P2 GLOVER, AR*; BRANNOCK, PM Genetic analysis of invasive Pomacea sp. in Florida P2 PIERCE, ER*; GELLER, JB Molluscan Waste is not a […]
Symposium P1
Poster Symposium 1 Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 15:30-17:30 Room: Grand Ballroom Symposium Author(s) Title P1 CHAVARRIA, R*; SMITH, FW The loss of several Wnt genes is correlated with the loss of posterior growth in Tardigrada P1 AUSTIFF, JK Development of the Stomach of the Carnivorous Tadpoles of the Budgett’s Frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis Compared to Filter […]
Symposium Moore
Moore Lecture Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 15:45-16:45 Room: Salon 5, Grand Ballroom Symposium Author(s) Title Moore GRASLIE, EG Prehistoric Road Trip: Crafting a Story 2 Billion Years in the Making
Symposium BERN
BERN Lecture Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 19:00-20:00 Room: Lone Star C-D Symposium Author(s) Title BERN BENTLEY , GE A Bird’s Eye View of Reproductive Endocrinology
Symposium BART
George A. Bartholomew Award Lecture Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 19:00-20:00 Room: Lone Star C-D Symposium Author(s) Title BART STODDARD, MC Diversity of Form and Function in the Colorful World of Birds
Symposium AMS
AMS Lecture Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 19:00-20:00 Room: Rooms 303-304 Symposium Author(s) Title AMS LINDSAY, SM The Art of Seeing: Using Microscopy to Power STEAM Learning in Biology
Session 99
Pulling and Tugging: Musculo-Skeletal Architecture Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15 Room: Lone Star F Organizer(s): Audrey Biondi, David Ryan Session Author(s) Title 99 OSGOOD, A.C; SUTTON, G; ST.PIERRE, R; COX, S.M* More evidence against a force-velocity trade-off in dynamic lever systems 99 RYAN, DS*; DOMINGUEZ, S; NIGAM, N; WAKELING, JM Mechanisms that Relate Transverse Loading […]
Session 98
Population Genetics Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:30 Room: Lonestar E Session Author(s) Title 98 FROLOVA, AD*; MIGLIETTA, MP Environmental tolerance ranges and limits suggest differences in habitat preference and resilience to climate change among jellyfish (Class Scyphozoa) congeners in the Gulf of Mexico 98 HALSEY, MK*; STUHLER, JD; BRADLEY, RD; STEVENS, RD; RAY, DA Temporal […]
Session 97
Everything Sucks Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 13:30-15:15 Room: Lone Star C Organizer(s): Aaron Olsen, Roi Holzman Session Author(s) Title 97 HERNANDEZ, LP*; OLSEN, AM; BRAINERD, EL Convergent means of breaking constraint: How alternative means of premaxillary protrusion have allowed fishes to break functional constraints 97 OLSEN, AM*; HERNÁNDEZ, LP; BRAINERD, EL A 13-bar linkage model […]