Building Bridges from Genome to Phenome: Molecules, Methods and Models Day: Monday, Jan. 6, 07:45-15:30 Room: Lone Star D Organizer(s): Karen Burnett, Jonathon Stillman, Donald Mykles, David Durica Symposium Author(s) Title S7 BURNETT, KG*; DURICA, DS; MYKLES, DL; STILLMAN, JH SICB Wide Symposium: Building Bridges from Genome to Phenome: Molecules, Methods and Models S7 MAURO, […]
Archives: Meetings
Symposium S6
Bio-inspiration of silent flight of owls and other flying animals: recent advances and unanswered questions Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:00-15:30 Room: Lone Star H Organizer(s): Chris Clark, Justin Jaworski Symposium Author(s) Title S6 CLARK, CJ Introduction to the Symposium on Bioinspiration of silent flight of owls and other flying animals S6 BOONMAN, ARJAN*; EITAN, OFRI; […]
Symposium S5
Form, structure and function: How plants vs. animals solve physical problems Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 08:30-15:30 Room: Rooms 303-304 Organizer(s): Ulrike Müller, Simon Poppinga Symposium Author(s) Title S5 Müller , UK*; Poppinga, S Introduction to the symposium S5 BAUER, U Functional Surfaces of Insect-trapping Pitcher Plants S5 STARK, A Y*; YANOVIAK, S P Adhesive Performance […]
Symposium S4
Reproduction: the Female Perspective from an Integrative and Comparative Framework Day: Sunday, Jan. 5, 07:45-16:00 Room: Lone Star D Organizer(s): Virginia Hayssen, Teri Orr Symposium Author(s) Title S4 ORR, TJ*; HAYSSEN, V Introduction S4 HAYSSEN, V Misconceptions about Conception and Other Fallacies: Historical Bias in Reproductive Biology S4 HOOK, KA*; FISHER, HS The importance of […]
Symposium S3
Biology at the Cusp: Teeth as a Model Phenotype for Integrating Developmental Genomics, Biomechanics, and Ecology Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 08:00-15:30 Room: Lone Star D Organizer(s): Gareth Fraser, Darrin Hulsey Symposium Author(s) Title S3 HULSEY, CD The evolutionary developmental genetics of vertebrate tooth size S3 MILLER, CT Developmental Genetic Analysis of Tooth Number Variation in […]
Symposium S2
Epigenetic Variation in Endocrine Systems Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 07:45-15:00 Room: Brazos Organizer(s): Haley Hanson, Tyler Stevenson Symposium Author(s) Title S2 HANSON, H; MARTIN, LB; STEVENSON, TJ* Introduction to Epigenetic Variation in Endocrine Systems S2 HANSON, HE*; WANG, C; SCHREY, AW; JIANG, RHY; MARTIN, LB Epigenetic Potential and DNA Methylation Across an Ongoing Avian Range […]
Symposium S11
Integrative comparative cognition: can neurobiology and neurogenomics inform comparative analyses of cognitive phenotype? Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:20-15:00 Room: Rooms 301-302 Organizer(s): Yuxiang Liu, Sabrina Burmeister Symposium Author(s) Title S11 BURMEISTER, SS Integrative Comparative Cognition S11 MACLEAN, E*; GNANADESIKAN, G; BRAY, E; SNYDER-MACKLER, N Dog Diversity as a Natural Experiment in Cognitive Evolution S11 CHITTKA, […]
Symposium S10
Melding Modeling and Morphology: integrating approaches to understand the evolution of form and function Day: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 08:00-15:30 Room: Lone Star D Organizer(s): Lindsay Waldrop, Jonathan Rader Symposium Author(s) Title S10 WALDROP, LD*; RADER, JA Introduction to Melding Modeling and Morphology S10 HEBDON, N*; RITTERBUSH, KA Seeing Spirals: Evaluating the hydrodynamic effect of changes […]
Symposium S1
New Frontiers in Antarctic Marine Biology Day: Saturday, Jan. 4, 07:45-15:30 Room: Rooms 203-204 Organizer(s): James McClintock, Charles Amsler Symposium Author(s) Title S1 MCCLINTOCK , JB*; AMSLER, CD; BAKER , B; MORAN , A; WOODS , HA Introduction to the Symposium: New Frontiers in Antarctic Marine Biology S1 HEISER, S*; SHILLING, AJ; AMSLER, CD; MCCLINTOCK, […]
Symposium PLEN
Plenary Symposium Day: Friday, Jan. 3, 19:30-20:30 Room: Lone Star Ballroom Symposium Author(s) Title PLEN PATEK, S.N. Plenary Lecture – Impact and discovery: extreme movement in an interdisciplinary and political world